come up to in Germany

come up to [kʌmʌptou] zugekomme

Sentence patterns related to "come up to"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "come up to" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "come up to", or refer to the context using the word "come up to" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Her film performance didn't come up to expectations.

2. The food didn't come up to my expectations.

3. Come up to the cabin and dry off.

4. His film performance didn't come up to expectations.

5. The performance didn't come up to our expectations.

6. Safety measures failed to come up to standard .

7. The book doesn't come up to the mark.

8. Their holiday in France didn't come up to expectations.

9. The resort certainly failed to come up to expectations .

10. Their trip to France didn't come up to expectations.

11. The essay didn't come up to his usual standards.

12. Your behavior does not come up to the expected standard.

13. He's tiny, he doesn't even come up to my chest!

14. 10 The essay didn't come up to his usual standards.

15. Girls did not come up to him and nuzzle him.

16. This doesn't come up to the standard of your usual work.

17. His performance didn't really come up to his usual high standard.

18. Why don't you come up to New York for the weekend?

19. Why don't you come up to Scotland for a few days?

20. Come up to the roof Let's end it once and for all

Komm sofort mit aufs Dach!

21. Our party is the strongest as we come up to the election.

22. Who wants to come up to the top of the hill with me?

23. 12 “Let the nations be roused and come up to the Valley* of Je·hoshʹa·phat;

24. My parents live down in Florida, but they come up to Chicago every summer.

25. The water was up to/had come up to the level of the windows.

26. Soon after Saul is made king, the Amʹmon·ites come up to fight against them.

27. It's a friendly place-people come up to you in the street and start talking.

28. The trees come up to my window like the yearning voice of the dumb earth.

29. We were always working, and other musicians used to come up to play with us.

30. Bemuses admitted he found it all rather Bemusing, especially when people come up to him in shops

31. I want to give you elevator access, so you can come up to this floor without an escort.

Ich möchte Ihnen Zugang zum Aufzug erlauben, damit Sie ohne Begleitung in dieses Stockwerk kommen.

32. People will come up to members of the library committee within the school and talk about library issues.

33. Britain prefers absolute standards, which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level.

34. To Bechance (also: to arise, to befall, to come up, to generate, to occur, to take place, to happen)

35. 19 Britain prefers absolute standards, which would exclude all products that failed to come up to the minimum acceptable level.

36. Results did not come up to expectations since much of the population was not reached and wastage rates remained high.

Die Ergebnisse entsprachen nicht den Erwartungen, weil ein großer Teil der Bevölkerung nicht erfaßt wurde und weil die Ausfallszahlen hoch blieben.

37. Come up to the Bimah when the rabbi calls you and step up to the Ark on the right hand side

38. Remove about an hour before the guests are expected and fill the pineapple shells, then leave to come up to room temperature.

39. From Middle English amounten (“to mount up to, come up to, signify”) Old French Amounter (“to amount to”) amunt, amont (“uphill, upward”), prop

40. From Middle English Amounten (“to mount up to, come up to, signify”) Old French amounter (“to amount to”) amunt, amont (“uphill, upward”), prop

41. From Middle English Amounten (“to mount up to, come up to, signify”) Old French amounter (“to amount to”) amunt, amont (“uphill, upward”), prop

42. 'Barmecide' is a fictional eponym from the Arabian Nights which refers to a meal that looks good but doesn't come up to expectations.

43. 16 If you’re going to cavort around in meadowswith my granddaughter you can certainly come up to the house andbe inspected by her parents.

44. You will take responsibility for it all! Won Kwang Hwi, please come up to the stage. Are you all right? Oh! Kang Hwi- nim!

45. After the firekeeping priests complete the ceremony, attendees are allowed to come up to the afarganyu and place their own pieces of sandalwood into the fire.

46. 7 W: Ten sheets of rice paper, 25 brushes, two boxes of oil color and two boxes of water color. All these come up to $ sir.

47. The Cantor will announce the Aliyah to the congregation and invite you by name to come up to the bema (where the Bar or Bat Mitzvah is standing)

48. The Airlock had been kept at a chilly 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and it needed to gradually come up to about 75 degrees, the temperature of the rest of the building, so condensation wouldn’t form

49. Over a five year period, Transport Canada successfully put into place a system that checks most baggage and passengers going onto aircraft at Canadian airports – but they have yet to come up to speed with airmail and cargo.

50. 10 “At that time Jehovah said to me, ‘Carve out for yourself two tablets of stone like the first ones,+ and come up to me on the mountain; also you must make for yourself an ark* of wood.