clearing up in Germany

clearing up [kliəriŋʌp] aufklärend

Sentence patterns related to "clearing up"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "clearing up" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "clearing up", or refer to the context using the word "clearing up" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. It's clearing up.

2. The weather looks like clearing up.

3. Regulators are busily clearing up the mess.

4. It seems to be clearing up.

5. They're still clearing up the storm damage.

6. I'm fed up with clearing up after you!

7. It all depends on the weather clearing up.

8. Well, good luck with clearing up my mess, twinny.

9. They left me with all the clearing up.

10. They were clearing up when the second bomb exploded.

11. He wandered around, clearing up in a desultory way.

12. Would you like me to finish clearing up now, Laura?

13. The sky clearing up and cloudy, after happiness only loneliness.

14. There's no need to exhaust yourself clearing up-we'll do it.

15. Now it is clearing up, and a sparrow is beginning to chirp.

16. After lunch there was a little more clearing up to do than usual.

17. When it came to clearing up afterwards, Anne was conspicuous by her absence.

18. Antonyms for Bedimming include brightening, illuminating, illumining, lightening, explaining, lighting up and clearing up

19. This is very effective in clearing up the Congested chest and gives prompt relief

20. As I was dithering between neglected work and abandoned clearing up[], she rang me.

21. 16 As I was dithering between neglected work and abandoned clearing up, she rang me.

22. Antonyms for Beclouding include illuminating, brightening, lightening, illumining, clarifying, clearing up, lighting up, enlightening, explaining and explicating

23. 23 So I thought I'd spend tomorrow at home clearing up and reading the newspapers and engaging in some spiritually uplifting reading.

24. It is absolutely essential that there is one, otherwise no one can take responsibility for clearing up the nuclear inheritance of the Soviet Union properly.

Ein solches Abkommen ist unerlässlich, da sonst niemand die Verantwortung für eine ordnungsgemäße Entsorgung der nuklearen Hinterlassenschaft der Sowjetunion übernehmen kann.

25. I «-s^S'b k It's Briskening business, keeping our help busy and clearing up Summer 111 I Making any of our $35, $32.50 and $30 Suitings to your measure for V I UVI Making any of our $27.50, $25 and $22.50 Suitings to measure for $ 19.50