character set in Germany

character set [kærəktərset] Zeichenmenge, Zeichensatz, Zeichenvorrat

Sentence patterns related to "character set"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "character set" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "character set", or refer to the context using the word "character set" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Default character set

2. The character set is a multi-byte character set and you have no support for the character set in the client.

Der Zeichensatz ist ein Multibytezeichensatz und in Ihrem Client ist keine Unterstützung dafür vorhanden.

3. Alphanumerics - a character set that includes letters and digits and punctuation alphanumeric characters character set - an ordered list of

4. Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify

5. Crunch is a wordlist generator where you can specify a standard character set or a character set you specify

6. Libelle’s character set includes many alternate glyphs.

Der Zeichensatz von Libelle enthält zahlreiche Alternativzeichen.

7. This system uses the available character set.

8. The characters are stored in memory in association with a standard alphanumeric character set such as an ASCII character set.

9. address is an address encoded using the specified character set.

address ist eine unter Verwendung des spezifizierten Zeichensatzes kodierte Adresse.

10. Ascii is a 7-bit character set containing 128 characters.

11. address is an address encoded using the specified character set

address ist eine unter Verwendung des spezifizierten Zeichensatzes kodierte Adresse

12. Dictionary order, case - sensitive, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.

13. Dictionary order, case - insensitive, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.

14. Dictionary order, case - insensitive, uppercase preference, for use with 1252 Character Set.

15. The American National Standards Institute's Ansi format is a Microsoft-related standard for character set encoding and a modification of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) character set

16. EXTENDED CHARACTER SET [The alphabet and Japanese characters in the JPO 2-byte character set are based upon JIS 6226-1979, and other characters are based upon JIS 6226-1983.

17. Scandinavian dictionary order, case - insensitive, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.

18. Data provided as Unicode is converted to the appropriate Multi-Byte Character set.

Daten im Unicode-Eingangsformat werden in den entsprechenden MultiByte Zeichensatz konvertiert.

19. Alternate dictionary order, case - insensitive, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.

20. Scandinavian dictionary order, case - sensitive, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.

21. NCBs may use their national character set, provided they use the Roman alphabet.

Die NZBen können ihren nationalen Zeichensatz einsetzen, sofern sie das römische Alphabet verwenden.

22. Alternate dictionary order, case - sensitive, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.

23. Don't use any character set that can contain NUL bytes like UTF-16.

24. Latvian dictionary order, case - insensitive, for use with the 1257 ( Baltic ) Character Set.

25. Armoured Commander is a turn-based, strategy roguelike using the ASCII character set

26. The PRIMOS character set was basically ASCII but with the 8th bit inverted.

Der PRIMOS Zeichensatz bestand im Allgemeinen aus ASCII, mit der Besonderheit, dass das 8. (parity) Bit immer gesetzt war.

27. Each template (18) corresponds to a particular character set which the user desires to utilize as an alternate character set to that appearing on the key labels (52) on the keyboard (12).

28. Maximum length for double-byte character set (DBCS) languages (such as Chinese, Japanese, Korean)

Maximale Länge für Sprachen mit Double-Byte-Zeichensätzen (Chinesisch, Japanisch, Koreanisch)

29. Slovak dictionary order, case - insensitive, for use with the 1250 ( Central European ) Character Set.

30. Romanian dictionary order, case - sensitive, for use with the 1250 ( Central European ) Character Set.

31. In this character set, each accented character is allocated to a separate code point.

32. Maximum length for single-byte character set (SBCS) languages (such as English, French, Spanish)

33. Compliance with EN # with regard to the character set: Latin alphabet Nos #-# (ISO #-# to

Einhaltung der Norm EN # in Bezug auf den Zeichensatz: Lateinisches Alphabet Nrn. #-# (ISO #-# bis

34. OCTETS character set support, data type converter release, 64 bits values in metadata schematics.

35. Slovak dictionary order, case - sensitive, for use with the 1250 ( Central European ) Character Set.

36. This may be caused by a system update which changed the local character set

37. Croatian dictionary order, case - sensitive, for use with the 1250 ( Central European ) Character Set.

38. Croatian dictionary order, case - insensitive, for use with the 1250 ( Central European ) Character Set.

39. Other character strings (Address, Name, VehicleRegistrationNumber) use, in addition, the characters defined by the codes 192 to 255 of ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Latin1 character set) or ISO/IEC 8859-7 (Greek character set).

Andere Zeichenfolgen (Anschrift, Name, amtliches Kennzeichen) verwenden darüber hinaus die Zeichen, die in den Codes 192 bis 255 der ISO/IEC 8859-1 (Zeichensatz Lateinisch 1) bzw. ISO/IEC 8859-7 (Zeichensatz Griechisch) definiert sind.

40. A binary string is a string of bytes that has no character set or collation.

Ein binärer String ist ein String, für den kein Zeichensatz und keine Sortierung definiert sind.

41. Alternate dictionary order, case - insensitive, uppercase preference, for use with the 850 ( Multilingual ) Character Set.

42. Usenet was originally created to distribute text content encoded in the 7- bit ASCII character set.

43. Usenet was originally created to distribute text content encoded in the 7-bit ASCII character set.

Das Usenet wurde entwickelt, um Texte zu verteilen, die im 7-Bit-ASCII-Zeichensatz erstellt wurden.

44. When transmitting data, NCBs may use their national character set, provided they use the Roman alphabet.

45. When reporting updates, NCBs may use their national character set, provided they use the Roman alphabet.

Bei der Meldung von Aktualisierungen können die NZBen ihren nationalen Zeichensatz einsetzen, sofern sie das römische Alphabet verwenden.

46. When reporting updates, NCBs may use their national character set, provided they use the Roman alphabet

Bei der Meldung von Aktualisierungen können die NZBen ihren nationalen Zeichensatz einsetzen, sofern sie das römi sche Alphabet verwenden

47. The Latin 2 character set supports the Slavic languages of Central Europe which use the Latin alphabet.

Der Latin 2 (Latein-2) Zeichensatz unterstützt alle auf dem lateinischen Alphabet aufgebauten slawischen Sprachen in Mitteleuropa.

48. Departments are encouraged to acquire equipment that provides Latin alphabet no. 1 as a native character set.

49. Note that fixed-size format does not work if you are using a multi-byte character set.

Beachten Sie, dass dieses Format nicht funktioniert, wenn Sie einen Multibytezeichensatz verwenden.

50. The character set used for Type-# fields shall contain only the #-bit ANSI code for information interchange

Der Zeichensatz für Typ-#-Felder darf nur den #-Bit-ANSI-Code für den Informationsaustausch enthalten