centrifuging in Germany

centrifuging [sentrifjuːdʒiŋ] schleudernd

Sentence patterns related to "centrifuging"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "centrifuging" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "centrifuging", or refer to the context using the word "centrifuging" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. (b) by centrifuging.

b) durch Zentrifugieren.

2. Centrifuging Infectious Materials or Human Samples

3. Centrifugation definition is - the process of Centrifuging

4. What does Centrifuging mean? Present participle of centrifuge

5. The Centrifuging time is calculated as follows: 100,000/RCF = time [min] Example: At an RCF of 20,000 the Centrifuging time is: 100,000/20,000 = 5 min

6. 02 03 01 // sludges from washing, cleaning, peeling, centrifuging and separation

02 03 01 // Schlämme aus Wasch-, Reinigungs-, Schäl-, Zentrifugier- und Abtrennprozessen

7. Note : It occasionally happens that the liquid phase is still cloudy after centrifuging.

Bemerkung : Gelegentlich kommt es vor , daß die fluessige Phase nach dem Zentrifugieren noch getrübt ist .

8. Device for stirring, mixing and agitating liquids, especially also for the purposes of preliminary heating, concentration and centrifuging

Einrichtung zum rühren, durchmischen oder bewegen von flüssigkeiten, insbesondere auch zwecks temperierung, konzentrierung und zentrifugierung


10. You would be so surprised to see what a little centrifuging does to lemon meringue.

11. 6.Data entry and processing specimens including: labeling, Centrifuging, splitting, and freezing specimens as required by test order

12. Cutting, casting, centrifuging and bonding of unfoamed and foamed plastics, including plastics of foamed, abrasion-resistant polyurethane

Zuschneiden, Gießen, Schleudern und Verkleben von ungeschäumten und geschäumten Kunststoffen, darunter auch aus Kunststoffen aus geschäumtem, abriebfestem Polyurethan

13. The absence of cutter stock avoids incompatibility problems and may allow for use of the emulsion without settling, filtering and centrifuging.

14. Centrifuging, meanwhile, uses a centrifuge, a machine that can spin the container of the mixture rapidly around in a circle multiple times

15. The major drawbacks of these devices include the effect of Centrifuging at high rotational speeds and the subsequent sealing problems associated with it

16. Centrifuging serum that is not completely clotted may cause the formation of fibrin in the serum, which may render the sample unusable for testing

17. Alternately: 1 adv in an alternating sequence or position “They were deglycerolized by Alternately centrifuging and mixing” “he planted fir and pine trees Alternately ”

18. This study develops models aimed at describing Centrifuging and mitigates this issue by developing a MR clutch design where the fluid is encapsulated in a highly absorbent polyurethane foam.

19. After centrifuging, ferric ammonium citrate and ammonia are added to an aliquot part of the supernatant and the absorbance of the solution thus obtained is measured spectrometrically at 525 nm.

Nach dem Zentrifugieren Zugabe von Eisen (III)-Ammoniumcitrat und Ammoniaklösung zu einem aliquoten Teil des Überstandes mit anschließender spektrometrischer Messung der Absorption bei 525 nm.

20. When Centrifuging hazardous materials, use tightly capped tubes and/or sealable safety cups or rotors that can be loaded and unloaded in a fume hood or biosafety cabinet, depending on hazard

21. 3) They were deglycerolized by Alternately centrifuging and mixing he planted fir and pine trees Alternately • Derived from adjective: ↑alternate … Useful english dictionary; Alternately — See alternate, Alternately, alternative, alternatively …

22. The amount of water in Biosolids can be reduced through mechanical processes such as draining, pressing, or centrifuging, resulting in a material composed of up to 30 percent dry solids

23. As the raw material modified animal tissues are used whose homogenate is separated from non-disintegrated tissue elements by means of filtration and/or centrifuging at the acceleration of 150-250 g during 10-15 min. and a sediment is separated which contains CM and which is subjected to hydrolysis.

24. 19/ 00 Other methods of shaping glass (manufacture or treatment of flakes, fibres, or filaments from softened glass, minerals, or slags C 03 B 37/00) 19/ 01 . by progressive fusion of powdered glass onto a shaping substrate, i.e. accretion [5] 19/ 02 . by casting 19/ 04 . by centrifuging 19/ 06 . by sintering (production of quartz or fused silica articles C 03 B 20/00) [2] 19/ 08 . by foaming 19/ 09 . by fusing powdered glass in a shaping mould [3] 19/ 10 . Forming beads 19/ 12 . by liquid-phase reaction processes [5] 19/ 14 . by gas-phase reaction processes [5]