call-not-accepted signal in Germany

call-not-accepted signal [kɔːlnoutəkseptidsignəl] Rufabweisungssignal

Sentence patterns related to "call-not-accepted signal"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "call-not-accepted signal" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "call-not-accepted signal", or refer to the context using the word "call-not-accepted signal" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. since the call is not completed - you hear a busy/incomplete call signal.

2. Uh, block call is a busy signal.

3. Time diversity reception is applied to both the address signal and message signal constituting a call signal.

4. When I got the signal, I got the call.

5. The system may implement advanced signal processing techniques that can compare a user-generated signal (attempting to mimic a wildlife call) with a prerecorded wildlife call.

6. A call control signal sent by the called DTE to indicate that it accepts the call.

7. This was the signal for nirvana or whatever they call the absolute state.

8. ubstances not accepted for carriage

9. Items not accepted for carriage

10. Gases not accepted for carriage

Nicht zur Beförderung zugelassene Gase

11. My bid was not accepted.

Mein Angebot wurde nicht angenommen.

12. Substances not accepted for carriage

Nicht zur Beförderung zugelassene Stoffe

13. Not an official call.

14. The black signal interval is adjacent to the pulse signal interval and does not contain a pulse signal row.

15. Letters of credit are not accepted.

16. (Unit stamps shall not be accepted.)

17. They do not acknowledge my contact signal.

Sie bestätigen mein Kontaktsignal nicht.

18. However, the call charges will not change during a call.

Während einer Verbindung ändern sich die Verbindungsentgelte jedoch nicht.

19. Bills of exchange shall not be accepted.

Wechsel werden nicht in Zahlung genommen.

20. I was coping well with my paralysis, so Joyce and I gladly accepted the call.

21. A Busy signal (or Busy tone or engaged tone) in telephony is an audible call-progress tone or audible signal to the calling party that indicates failure to complete the requested connection of that particular telephone call.

22. Substances and articles not accepted for carriage

Nicht zur Beförderung zugelassene Stoffe und Gegenstände

23. I've been trying to call the customer helpline, but all I'm getting is a busy signal.

24. Foul play is not accepted in Business.

25. And why is your signal not in code?"