by and by in Germany

by and by [biːændbiː] allmählich, mit der Zeit, nach und nach

Sentence patterns related to "by and by"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "by and by" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "by and by", or refer to the context using the word "by and by" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. He'll come round by and by.

2. By and by a man appeared.

3. They'll be arriving by and by.

4. She will be better by and by.

5. Summer vacation will come by and by.

6. And by - and - by nervous and fidgety.

7. 10 Summer vacation will come by and by.

8. By and by they began to get weary.

9. Belive definition is - in due time : by and by.

10. By and by, however , " fervent " gave way to " prosaic ".

11. By and by electricity will take the place of coal.

12. By and by we shall discuss these matters with minuteness.

13. He'll get around to it in the sweet by - and - by.

14. By and by she met an old man with a beard.

15. They found them, by and by, and were hospitably received and well treated.

16. By and by the tempest spent itself and died without accomplishing its object.

17. By and by, Margaret timidly stole near him, as if waiting to console.

18. By and by I made another diversion, and beguiled her to sketch her story.

19. By and by, out of the stillness, little, scarcely preceptible noises began to emphasize themselves.

20. This allows to diminish the uncontrollable inaccuracy of the azimuth, which grows by and by.

Sie unterscheiden sich hauptsächlich durch die Größe des Kreiseldralls.

21. By and by papa got too handy with his hickory and I couldn't stand it.

22. By and by Aleck subscribed to a Chicago daily and for the WALL STREET POINTER.

23. By and by Mrs. Melbury came upstairs with a slight air of flurry and abruptness.

24. It will come all the easier to like him by and by when we are all together.

25. 21 It will come all the easier to like him by and by when we are all together.

26. LOCKE Something seemed to puzzle him, for he was frowning, but by and by the old Cynical smile came back.

27. The rain poured down in a torrent, but by and by, the clouds thinned and the sun eventually came out again

28. The rain poured down in a torrent, but By and By, the clouds thinned and the sun eventually came out again

29. ♫ But as the heart grows older ♫ ♫ It will come to such sights much colder ♫ ♫ By and by, nor spare a sigh ♫

30. By and by Feathertop paused, and throwing himself into an imposing attitude, seemed to summon the fair girl to survey his figure and resist him longer if she could.

31. And she came in straightway with haste unto the king, and asked, saying, I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist.

32. Blanchingly biochronologically babywise bichromatically bimeby by and by broken-heartedly benumbingly biliously bristlingly by and bye by and large befittingly balmily brokenheartedly batteringly biomorphically boots and all bushily buttass by committee beseemingly banefully beneshiply beauteously

33. When they were come within the chase to a great thicket fortressed about with bryers and thornes, they Compassed round with their Dogs and beset every place with nets : by and by warning was given to

34. Astrider astride astridest astraddlest astraddler astraddle availablest availabler available aughts aught vs v variousest variouser various via vis-a-vis vis-a-viser vis-a-visest viz very veriest verier versus k g go gone good got gotta gotten get gets getting b by byandby by-and-by bist both but buts be beyond because became becomes become