brought forward in Germany

brought forward [brɔːtfɔːwəd] vorgebracht

Sentence patterns related to "brought forward"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "brought forward" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "brought forward", or refer to the context using the word "brought forward" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. A plan was brought forward.

2. They brought forward a meeting.

3. The balance brought forward is £7

4. The meeting's been brought forward to Thursday.

5. The lawyer brought forward some new reasons.

6. The sodium - bleaching power classification was brought forward.

7. The elections were brought forward by three months.

8. She brought forward proposals for a new school building.

9. President Stone has brought forward the unveiling of the Peacekeeper.

10. The publication date of the Bennett Report was brought forward.

11. The lawyer brought forward some new evidences against the murder.

12. The woman was brought forward, and the process was repeated.

13. Accumulated Deficit / Surplus Brought Forward - Consolidation of all Crown Corporation Description:

14. The final examination will be brought forward to June instead of July.

15. A credit balance of $ 100 was brought forward from his June account.

16. A credit balance of $50 was brought forward from his September account.

17. The meeting has been brought forward from 10 May to 3 May.

18. It was panic stations when the deadline was brought forward by a week.

19. A credit balance of fifty pounds was brought forward from his September account.

20. Direction of further improving the performance of quadruple - twist yarn was brought forward.

21. An openness - trueness matrix is brought forward to estimate the state of interface.

22. Then she discovered she was pregnant and the big day was brought forward.

23. The pregnant women directive was brought forward in one form by the Commission.

24. In 200 MDA ( Model Driven Architecture ) was brought forward by OMG ( Object Management Group ).

25. The government has brought forward new proposals to tackle the problem of increasing crime.

26. Opinions and proposals are also brought forward about the development of domestic pearlescent pigments.

27. Payments on commitments brought forward into 1996 amounted to 12% only of their total value.

Die Zahlungen aufgrund von auf 1996 übertragenen Mittelbindungen beliefen sich auf lediglich 12 % ihres Gesamtwerts.

28. A private member's bill to effect this change was brought forward in late February, 19

29. This lecture linked up paleography with architecture and, brought forward a new perspective for design.

30. The conservative-islamic AKP arises with absolute majority of the seats in elections brought forward.

Aus vorgezogenen Neuwahlen geht die konservativ-islamische AKP mit absoluter Mehrheit der Sitze hervor.

31. They brought forward a draft of a declaration just before the storming of the Bastille.

32. Some of these statutes were brought forward, like the better known acts of state, by the Crown.

33. Of the amount of non-earmarked payment appropriations brought forward from 2003, 23 % were not used (20).

Von den aus dem Jahr 2003 übertragenen nicht zweckgebundenen Zahlungsermächtigungen blieben 23 % ungenutzt (20).

34. 7 Reasoning algorithm based on polychromatic sets theory for conceptual design of mechanical products is brought forward.

35. 6 Finally, aiming at the research status quoin MFL inspection, we brought forward the new research directions.

36. An objective analogue prediction model of tropical cyclone track is brought forward that considers the synthetical evaluation environment.

37. Object Codes > Summary > 8300 - Accumulated Deficit / Surplus Brought Forward - Consolidation of all Crown Corporation Institutional links

38. Brought-forward trading losses can be set against balancing charges arising on the disposal of the target assets.



40. The detective changed his holiday dates when his flight was brought forward and it now clashed with the trial.

41. This adjustment shall entail the negative entry of an amount equal to that given in the entry brought forward.

Hierbei wird eine Lastschrift in Höhe der vorgezogenen Gutschrift vorgenommen.

42. The balance brought forward relates to amounts paid in 1997 when there were insufficient funds in the budget line.

Der Übertrag ist darauf zurückzuführen, daß 1997 Beträge ausgezahlt wurden, obwohl die Mittelausstattung der Haushaltslinie unzureichend war.

43. This adjustment shall entail the negative entry of an amount equal to that given in the entry brought forward

Hierbei wird ein Betrag in Höhe der vorgezogenen Gutschrift angelastet

44. We accept that the Minister has honoured his commitment; he has brought forward powers to establish a funding council.

45. 5 This paper analyzed that the development situation of bast fiber industries in China, and brought forward some strategies.

46. Response of transient electromagnetism in tunnel whole space was analyzed and ration analytical method to exception response was brought forward.

47. Magnox nuclear power stations will remain open, and the planned nuclear review is to be brought forward by a year.

48. Buyers brought forward purchases in August to beat the deadline on stamp duty, creating a vacuum in the following month.

49. The debit or credit balance in each account must be determined and brought forward to begin the next accounting period.

50. The Government brought forward proposals in 1986 to reform the shopping laws, but Parliament was not able to agree a conclusion.