breathing on in Germany

breathing on [briːðiŋwʌn] anhauchend

Sentence patterns related to "breathing on"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "breathing on" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "breathing on", or refer to the context using the word "breathing on" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Afflation (plural Afflations) A blowing or breathing on; inspiration

2. Definitions for Afflation (n.) A blowing or breathing on; inspiration

3. What does Afflation mean? A blowing or breathing on; inspiration

4. The bishop breathes on the Chrism, a gesture that recalls Jesus breathing on his disciples after …

5. Wonderchild led till he was breathing on the wire, and then Banana Fritter came along and nosed him out.

6. Chief surgeon Dr. Alden Harken reported Thursday night that Olsen was breathing on his own and capable of moving his body.

7. Angelique was on a respirator that recorded when she was breathing on her own and when the machine was doing the work.

Angelique war an ein Atemgerät angeschlossen.

8. When examined for the first time in the ER, the patient was alert and hemodynamically stable, and her temperature was 38.5o C. The physical examination at admission was normal except for a right bronchial breathing on chest auscultation.

9. Breathing on the Edge As Australian author William Lines notes, they " Acclimatized to the Australian environment with frightening fecundity." The population quickly exploded to more than 200 million, devouring native grasses, brush and tree sprouts, and turning grassland and farmland into dusty desert.

10. Aspiration (n.1) 1530s, "action of breathing into," from Latin Aspirationem (nominative aspiratio) "a breathing on, a blowing upon; rough breathing; influence," noun of action from past-participle stem of aspirare "strive for, seek to reach," literally "breathe at, blow upon" (see aspire).Meaning "steadfast longing for a higher goal, earnest desire for something above one" is recorded from c

11. 11 Today in the various church baptismal ceremonies of Christendom the following devices are included: godparents, breathing on the face of the candidate to exorcise evil spirits, making the sign of the cross, imposition of hands, putting “blessed” salt in the mouth of the candidate, touching the ears and nostrils with spittle of the priest, anointing with oil, the threefold ablution, white veil, lighted candles and other appendages of worship not provided by the Bible.

11 Heute gehören zu den Taufzeremonien der verschiedenen Kirchen der Christenheit folgende Dinge: Taufpaten, das Anblasen des Gesichts des Täuflings zur Beschwörung böser Geister, die Bezeichnung mit dem Kreuzeszeichen, die Handauflegung, „gesegnetes“ Salz, das in den Mund des Täuflings gelegt wird, das Bestreichen von Ohren und Nase mit Speichel des Priesters, die Salbung mit Öl, die dreifache Waschung, der weiße Schleier, brennende Kerzen und andere Bestandteile des Gottesdienstes, die in der Bibel nicht erwähnt werden.