boiler room in Germany

boiler room [bɔilərruːm] Kesselraum

Sentence patterns related to "boiler room"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "boiler room" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "boiler room", or refer to the context using the word "boiler room" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. supplies everything you need in your Boiler room

2. I know a janitor who runs the boiler room of the casino.

3. That's Kemala, and that's the boiler room they locked her in at night.

Das sind Kemala und der Heizungskeller, in dem sie war.

4. 10 Hot water is piped to all apartments from the central boiler room.

5. The lengthened design resulted in a three boiler room layout to enhance water-tight integrity.

6. Founded in 1929, Cleaver-Brooks is a complete boiler room solutions provider that helps businesses run better every day

7. 2 and 3 and the forward engine room, and between boiler room no. 4 and the after engine room.

8. Lützow was so low in the water by 01:30 that water began to flood the forward boiler room.

9. 8-A Boiler room log is used to record information regarding operation of the Boiler during a given period of time

10. Stratton Oakmont functioned as a boiler room that marketed penny stocks and defrauded investors with the "pump and dump" type of stock sales.

11. You commonly see Breeching pipe in your basement, in a residential single family home, or boiler room, in a multi-unit building/commercial building

12. The Boiler room log lists Boiler operation data that can be used to increase Boiler safety and efficiency as well as identifying a potential malfunction

13. Cleaver-Brooks Boiler Plant Optimization (BPO) is a complete assessment of the boiler room with respect to the four cornerstones of a successful plant operation: Efficiency, Sustainability, Reliability and Safety

14. The ship was attacked by aircraft later that morning; the first attack damaged her steering gear and, in a later attack, a bomb which went down the aft funnel exploded in the No. 2 boiler room, killing everyone inside and starting a fire.

15. But at about 18:00 a radio-controlled Henschel Hs 293 glide bomb hit Spartan just aft of the after funnel and detonated high up in the compartments abreast the port side of the after boiler room, blowing a large hole in the upper deck.