be on the rise in Germany

be on the rise [bwʌnðraiz] im Aufstieg begriffen sei

Sentence patterns related to "be on the rise"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "be on the rise" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "be on the rise", or refer to the context using the word "be on the rise" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Interest in on-line games seems to be on the rise all over the world.

2. The population of non-native Magnificent Bryozoans appears to be on the rise in the Pacific NW

3. This Apolitical attitude seems to be on the rise among theologically serious (especially gospel-serious) evangelicals and fundamentalists

4. Calming Colors Following a year filled with so much uncertainty and unknown, it's no coincidence that muted, soothing colors are expected to be on the rise in 2021

5. Also, while swinging and orgy parties do seem to be on the rise (there are roughly 000 clubs worldwide) preference for group sex will always be in the minority.

6. While the acts of the local synod of Frankfurt in 794 are not extant, other records indicate that it was called mainly to counter a form of the heresy of �Adoptionism� then thought to be on the rise in Spain. The emphasis of a number of Spanish theologians on the integral humanity of Christ seemed, to the court theologian Alcuin and others, to imply that the man Jesus was �adopted� by the Father at his baptism.