basic arithmetic operations in Germany

basic arithmetic operations [beisikəriθmətikɔpəreiʃənz] Grundrechenarte

Sentence patterns related to "basic arithmetic operations"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "basic arithmetic operations" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "basic arithmetic operations", or refer to the context using the word "basic arithmetic operations" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Presburger arithmetic is much weaker than Peano arithmetic, which includes both addition and multiplication operations.

Die Presburger-Arithmetik ist erheblich schwächer als die Peano-Arithmetik, in der sowohl Addition als auch Multiplikation formalisiert werden.

2. However, there's a basic arithmetic problem here.

3. Well, I can't argue with basic arithmetic.

4. In this paper, the basic algorithm and thoughts of the realization of four arithmetic operations of large integer with Visual Basic are introduced; two large prime number samples are given.

5. • Basic arithmetic logic units, i.e. devices selectable to perform either addition, subtraction or one of several logical operations, using, at least partially, the same circuitry

6. Almost all the functions that we obtained from the basic algebraic and arithmetic operations and the elementary transcendental functions are Analytic in every point on their domain

7. The ALU implements various arithmetic algorithms for addition, multiplication, and other operations.

8. And it really just involves some basic arithmetic for the most part.

9. N 7/575 . . . . Basic arithmetic logic units, i.e. devices selectable to perform either addition, subtraction or one of several logical operations, using, at least partially, the same circuitry

10. An educational system which fails to teach basic arithmetic is seriously deficient.

11. Hospitals lack even basic drugs for surgical operations.

12. We study the algebraic complexity of several other operations from the repertoire of complex arithmetic.

In dieser Arbeit wird die algebraische Komplexität einiger anderer Operationen aus dem Bereich der komplexen Arithmetik untersucht.

13. Keeping records within the Christian congregation calls for at least a basic knowledge of arithmetic.

14. Addition – Explanation & Examples Addition is one of the oldest and the most basic arithmetic operation

15. The Comminution process belongs to the basic operations in pharmacy

16. In other words, you can apply arithmetic operations to Booleans, and you can also compare them to numbers:

17. The creation of BIGNUM objects is described in Bn_new(3); Bn_add(3) describes most of the arithmetic operations

18. Arithmetician (Thesaurus) arithmetic arithmetic/logic unit

19. And they've grasped basic arithmetic, keeping track of the relative amounts of fruit in two baskets after multiple changes.

20. In Maths, Associative law is applicable to only two of the four major arithmetic operations, which are addition and multiplication

21. Basic matrix and vector operations 0% High Some difficult or complex calculations.

22. A full instruction set provides complete arithmetic and logical operations using index registers and accumulator while minimizing external memory access.

23. Arithmetic is a branch of mAthematics which involves the study and operations of numbers such as addition, subtraction, division and multiplication

24. Arithmetically meaning In an arithmetic manner; respecting arithmetic.

25. In layman’s terms, such a computer can perform 16 billion simple arithmetic operations, such as adding two numbers, each second.