bank accounts in Germany

bank accounts [bæŋkəkaunts] Bankkonte

Sentence patterns related to "bank accounts"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "bank accounts" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "bank accounts", or refer to the context using the word "bank accounts" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Information on bank accounts

Informationen über Bankkonten

2. Your bank accounts, they're frozen.

3. It can even track bank accounts.

4. - Bank accounts regime to be improved.

- Verbesserung der Kontenverwaltung.

5. Millions were deposited in Swiss bank accounts.

6. She had access to your bank accounts?

7. • monitoring of activities related to bank accounts

8. At least not in savings bank accounts .

9. Bank accounts, inland revenue, utility bills, mortgage.

10. Swiss bank accounts, accrue interest, retire at 35.

Ein Schweizer Konto, bei den Zinsen geht sie mit 35 in Rente.

11. Ike Dubaku... we traced bank accounts to this address.

12. Databases, data sets and software relating to bank accounts

Datenbanken, Datensätze und Software in Bezug auf Bankkonten

13. My passport, my credit cards, my bank accounts, everything.

14. Financial data (bank accounts and codes, credit cards etc.)

Angaben finanzieller Art (Bankkonten und Bankleitzahlen, Kreditkarten usw.)

15. Bank accounts for budget implementation and other term deposits

Bankkonten für den Haushaltsvollzug und sonstige Termineinlagen

16. Business bank accounts were kept separate from personal ones.

17. Money and bank accounts are not His richest blessings.

18. We created bank accounts, travel documents, emails, phone records.

19. Money held in bank accounts are called demand deposits.

20. She salted away the profits in foreign bank accounts.

21. Closer monitoring of activity in bank accounts and automated reconciliation

22. With this objective, we opened 190 million new bank accounts.

23. All money held in bank accounts is an accounting entry.

24. Reconciliation of bank accounts within 30 days of month’s end

25. It's all there... secret bank accounts, phoney records, fake passports.

26. These include the ability to levy bank accounts and seize property.

27. 16 The British police have no jurisdiction over foreign bank accounts.

28. 6 He deposited his ill-gotten gains in foreign bank accounts.

29. All but one of the Agency's major bank accounts were rated

30. There are many bank Accounts where you could put your money

31. Co-financing bank accounts at end of period | 8 | 15,09 | 0.00 |

Kofinanzierungsbankkonten am Ende des Berichtszeitraums | 8 | 15,09 | 0,00 |

32. shall open one or more bank accounts on behalf of Athena.

eröffnet ein oder mehrere Bankkonten im Namen von ATHENA.

33. A law was passed in 2015 on disclosure of foreign bank accounts.

34. Suddenly , gift cheques began pouring into his various bank accounts in Delhi .

35. The Finance Branch reviews activity in the bank accounts held by J.P.

36. For bank accounts in the following countries, please verify your business information:

37. The opening or management of bank accounts, savings accounts or stock portfolios

38. Learn about bank Accounts Opening a bank account for the first time

39. Under PAHAL Yojana, LPG subsidies are directly deposited into the bank accounts.

40. The Conservator takes care of real estate, manages bank accounts, and handles investments.

41. The Financial Control Section (FCS) regularly reviews activity in field office bank accounts.

42. I also went through the history of activity on Maggie Garret's bank accounts.

43. On some bank accounts, the bank adds a sum of money called interest.

44. You can add cards, bank accounts, and other payment methods to Google Pay.

45. The Monegasque government actively combats money-laundering and numbered bank accounts are illegal.

Obgleich Monaco aktiv gegen Geldwäscherei vorgeht, wird in Monaco das Bankgeheimnis gewahrt.

46. And, 110 million new bank accounts have opened in the last four months.

47. Furthermore, individuals have used their personal bank accounts to support terrorist activity overseas.

48. The Financial Control Section (FCS) regularly reviews activity in field office bank accounts

49. There are millions of families who have mobile phones but no bank accounts.

50. We traced the bank accounts back to a big military contractor, name of...