balance out in Germany

balance out [bælənsaut] auswiege

Sentence patterns related to "balance out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "balance out" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "balance out", or refer to the context using the word "balance out" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. They all balance out.

2. On the average, such transformations balance out.

3. It's the only way to balance out the economy.

4. The strenuous exercise undergone could balance out the increased calories.

5. The debits and credits should theoretically balance out within a month.

6. Or balance out a crop flare hemline with a single chain Anklet

7. However, the Cortices technique actually helps to balance out ALL parts of the brain

8. It is not easy to balance out family matters, secular activity, congregation activity, and preaching.

9. If you eat a variety of food, protein and carbohydrate will balance out over a week.

10. This also shows that crises in globalization do not a priori balance out, but perhaps get progressively worse.”

Dies zeigt auch, daß Krisen bei Globalisierung sich nicht von vornherein auspendeln, sondern sich vielleicht aufschaukeln« (S.

11. Balance out your vanity and bring a smile to your friends' faces with some of the following mirror-themed Captions

12. Asymmetrical balance is achieved by the careful juxtaposition of different elements; small, bright shapes can balance out large dull shapes

13. Outdoor Basketballs are made a little differently from indoor balls: they have less pebbling to balance out increased friction on rough outdoor surfaces

14. At some point, the amount of more Output that we're getting is falling to match the slope of depreciation, and those things exactly balance out.

15. To balance out locational differences, each of the plots was allotted an untreated control plot which enabled a comparison in pairs of the observation data.

Um Standortunterschiede auszugleichen, war beiden Parzellen je eine unbehandelte Kontrollparzelle so zugeordnet, daß ein paarweiser Vergleich der Beobachtungsdaten ermöglicht wurde.

16. I will tell myself that it is okay to be scatterbrained once in a while and that sometimes the kindness you show will balance out your faults.

17. Since lateral erosion of originally braiding or meandering rivers is limited by channel stabilisation, these processes can no longer balance out the natural aggradations of the alluvial floodplains.

18. A third copy of any other chromosome is lethal, as a person gets 5 times the dose of the genes on it, knocking the chemical balance out of kilter.

19. While a tax refund isn’t extra money—it’s the amount you’ve overpaid—it can be convenient to keep the balance out of sight and with the IRS until you’re ready to invest

20. Advanced photographers will use shutter speed and ISO to balance out the exposure, but there is a way to control Aperture and still properly expose the photo even if you have no idea what ISO and shutter speed are.