back the wrong horse in Germany

back the wrong horse [bækðrɔŋhɔːs] aufs falsche Pferd setze

Sentence patterns related to "back the wrong horse"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "back the wrong horse" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "back the wrong horse", or refer to the context using the word "back the wrong horse" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 12 The horse laid back its ears.

2. Albion, take the horse in the back barn.

3. She led the horse back into the stable.

4. The horse lashed out with its back legs.

5. He wheeled his horse back to the gate.

6. The horse was led back to its stable.

7. She grasped the reins and led the horse back.

8. 12 She led the horse back into the stable.

9. The files had been put back in the wrong order.

10. So here we are back to the horse and buggy.

11. After five hours riding horse, we felt very tired, the horse naturally took us came back to village.


13. What does Ahorseback mean? On the back of a horse; horseback

14. Right or wrong, there could be no going back.

15. The racer lashed the horse across the back with a whip.sentencedict .com

16. 1 The racer lashed the horse across the back with a whip.

17. Back then, people generally accepted that fornication was wrong.

18. 11 We took the wrong road and had to turn back.

19. The startled horse reared back, letting the snake sneak into sixth place.

20. Breastplate FOR SAFETY The breastplace prevents saddle from slipping back on horse

21. And we went back to Cape Town and redesigned the horse completely.

22. He muddled up our passports and gave me back the wrong one.

23. First to their horse lines and then rode back to safety.

24. When I look back I can see where we went wrong.

25. A few even have the ceremony while skydiving or riding on horse - back.