autonomous tariff in Germany

autonomous tariff [ɔːtɔnəməstærif] Grundtarif

Sentence patterns related to "autonomous tariff"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "autonomous tariff" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "autonomous tariff", or refer to the context using the word "autonomous tariff" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. An autonomous tariff quota of # tonnes (drained net weight), bearing serial number #.# (hereinafter the autonomous quota), shall be opened from # October # for Community imports of preserved mushrooms of the genus Agaricus spp. falling within CN codes #, # and

2. An autonomous tariff quota of 1 200 tonnes (drained net weight), bearing serial number 09.4110, hereinafter the ‘autonomous quota’, shall be opened from 1 September 2004 for Community imports of preserved mushrooms of the genus Agaricus spp. falling within CN codes 0711 51 00, 2003 10 20 and 2003 10 30.

September 2004 wird für die Gemeinschaftseinfuhren von Konserven von Pilzen der Gattung Agaricus der KN-Codes 0711 51 00, 2003 10 20 und 2003 10 30 ein autonomes Zollkontingent von 1 200 Tonnen (Abtropfgewicht) mit der laufenden Nummer 09.4110, nachstehend das „autonome Kontingent“ genannt, eröffnet.