associated with in Germany

associated with [əsouʃieitidwið] nahestehend

Sentence patterns related to "associated with"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "associated with" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "associated with", or refer to the context using the word "associated with" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Pasteurization associated with liquid foods, while blanching associated with solid foods.

2. Words associated with Bloodthirstier

3. Words associated with Beggaries

4. Words associated with Alaruming

5. Words associated with Conjecturally

6. Antepartum haemorrhage • Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with afibrinogenaemia • Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with disseminated intravascular coagulation • Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with hyperfibrinolysis • Antepartum haemorrhage (excessive) associated with hypofibrinogenaemia • Antepartum haemorrhage with coagulation defect

7. These syndromes include Muir-Torre syndrome, associated with cystic sebaceomas, Cowden syndrome, associated with multiple tricholemmomas, Carney complex associated with multiple superficial angiomyxomas, Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndrome associated with multiple fibrofolliculomas, tuberous sclerosis associated with multiple facial angiofibromas and so-called Koenen tumors, patients with renal cell cancer associated with pilar leiomyomatosis and uterine leiomyomas, Gardner syndrome associated with Gardner fibromas and nevoid basal cell carcinoma associated with multiple basal cell carcinomas in young patients.

Weitere Kombinationen stellen multiple Angiofibrome und sog. Koenen-Tumoren bei der tuberösen Sklerose, multiple kutane Leiomyome und uterine Leiomyome mit Nierenzellkarzinomen, das Gardner-Fibrom mit dem Gardner-Syndrom und multiple Basalzellkarzinome im jüngeren Lebensalter mit dem Gorlin-Syndrom dar.

8. Words associated with Austerest

9. Amphitrite is associated with Posiden is associated with her because their husband and wife

10. Habitats types associated with agriculture (204 assessments) | Habitats types not associated with agriculture (497 assessments) |

Landwirtschaftlich geprägte Lebensraumtypen (204 Bewertungen) | Nicht landwirtschaftlich geprägte Lebensraumtypen (497 Bewertungen) |

11. Low Conductances were associated with

12. Clozapine associated with QT prolongation

13. Cataplexy is associated with narcolepsy

14. Jejuni, were significantly associated with the sexual practice of Anilinctus and were usually associated with diarrhea

15. Angles associated with Stacks: There are three basic angles associated with the stable stack of Cannonballs.

16. “True" Cockney is associated with

17. He never associated with the sex.

18. Cataplexy is frequently associated with NARCOLEPSY

19. Whisky is usually associated with Scotland.

20. It's associated with the American Revolution.

21. Security measures associated with Biohazards include:

22. It is often associated with bamboo.

23. It is associated with "mental undoing".

24. Someone intimately associated with the project.

25. Orange-blossom is associated with weddings.

26. Booklice are always associated with damp.

27. Traditionally, Blintzes are associated with Shavuot

28. Where Cacophony is associated with plosive consonants, euphony is associated with sibilance, long vowel sounds, and harmonious consonants

29. Creaminess is associated with dairy product liking

30. Asymptomatic Bacteriuria is seldom associated with adve …

31. Promoting or favoring Abstemiousness; associated with temperance

32. "Associated with" implies equal rank

33. Several technical terms are associated with Altarpieces.

34. Aggro is also associated with other terms

35. 22 Are you associated with this theocracy?

36. Conceit is associated with stupidity and ignorance.

37. Kissing can drive up levels of dopamine - associated with falling in love - and oxytocin - associated with feelings of attachment.

38. Cults are associated with all of these

39. Anticyclones are associated with calm, fine weather

40. Each creative is associated with one advertiser.

41. Notice that reasonableness is associated with peaceableness.

42. The color pink is associated with femininity.

43. Magenta is associated with passion and sexuality.

44. Applets associated with the book Fractals include:

45. It was also frequently associated with prostitution.

46. Some genes are associated with specific defects.

47. The Ark was associated with Jehovah’s presence.

48. Prolapsed Bladders are commonly associated with menopause

49. Bugs are associated with the Task category

50. Benzene exposure is associated with myelodysplastic syndromes