aspirates in Germany

aspirates [æspireits] aspiriert

Sentence patterns related to "aspirates"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aspirates" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aspirates", or refer to the context using the word "aspirates" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Bronchial Washings, Brushings and Aspirates Bronchial aspirates are obtained by suction during bronchoscopic procedures

2. A spectrum of Cytological findings typifies aspirates of CP

3. One year after the diagnosis of AML was established,Mycobacterium avium was cultured from bone marrow aspirates.

Erst ein Jahr nach Manifestation der AML konnte eine Infektion mitMycobacterium avium aus Knochenmarksaspiraten diagnostiziert werden.

4. Liquid specimens (aspirates) should be absorbed with a sterile cotton swab and placed into CaryBlair transport medium.

5. Three sputum specimens should be collected (or gastric aspirates in children too young to produce sputum).

6. Although there is once again some interfering aspirates, some improvement is noticeable, and the text in recitatives is better delivered.

7. The authors undertook an analysis of a large series of ACC aspirates, including Acinic cell carcinoma with high-grade transformation (ACC-HGT)

8. Transtracheal aspirates from 87 patients with acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis who had received no recent antibiotic treatment were examined.

Das Transtrachealaspirat von 87 Patienten mit antibiotisch unbehandelter, akuter Exazerbation einer chronischen Bronchitis wurde bakteriologisch untersucht.

9. A request for extended culture monitoring for 14 days of aspirates of total shoulder Arthroplasties is needed to improve detection because P

10. 4.1 All S. pneumoniae from sterile body sites should be tested for antimicrobial resistance. These include blood, cerebrospinal fluid, joint aspirates, pleural fluids, abscesses, and any other site in which there is clinical indication of a life-threatening illness.