as far as i'm concerned in Germany

as far as I'm concerned [əzfərəzimkənsəːnd] was mich betrifft

Sentence patterns related to "as far as im concerned"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "as far as im concerned" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "as far as im concerned", or refer to the context using the word "as far as im concerned" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. It's all over as far as I'm concerned.

2. It's a good deal, as far as I'm concerned.

3. As far as I'm concerned, the children come first.

4. As far as I'm concerned that money keeps moving forward.

5. As far as I'm concerned this is a good idea.

6. As far as I'm concerned your argument is more eloquent.

7. As far as I'm concerned the officials incited the fight.

8. As far as I'm concerned, you can forget about it.

9. Those people are mall change as far as I'm concerned.

10. As far as I'm concerned, dressing for success is losing game.

11. As far as I'm concerned you can do what you like.

12. She can come whenever she likes, as far as I'm concerned.

13. Well, as far as I'm concerned, I read anything I'm interested in.

14. As far as I'm concerned, everyone should be given an equal opportunity.

15. As far as I'm concerned, the house can be big or small.

16. As far as I'm concerned, this is the council's decision, not mine.

17. Smelly feet are definitely a turn - off as far as I'm concerned.

18. As far as I'm concerned, when you get married it's for life.

19. They're a couple of small-time scumbags as far as I'm concerned.

20. As far as I'm concerned she can come home whenever she likes.

21. As far as I'm concerned anything would be preferable to staying here alone.

22. As far as I'm Concerned, I don't feel safe in this neighborhood anymore

23. As far as I'm concerned the subject did not kill those two people.

24. As far as I'm concerned Terry is still a friend, end of story.

25. 20 As far as I'm concerned, she's copped out and joined the rat race.

26. As far as I'm concerned, I don't mind those you wear the mini - skirt.

27. As far as I'm concerned, if it's my desk she wants, she's welcome to it!

28. As far as I'm concerned, that man's whole body is property of the U.S. Army.

29. As far as I'm concerned, these definitions don't have much value in and of themselves.

30. I don't think he wants to go anywhere. As far as I'm concerned, he's happy here.

31. As far as I'm concerned, this is why we're trying to do these kinds of de-extinction projects.

32. As far as I'm concerned, this is why we're trying to do these kinds of de- extinction projects.

33. If women want to take on the business world they are welcome to it as far as I'm concerned.

34. As far as I'm concerned, Emily is the only one here who seems to have Daniel's best interests at heart.

35. I'm not talking about voluntary wearing of a veil -- women should be able to wear whatever they want, as far as I'm concerned.

36. Of course, it should all be knocked back again with a cup of tea, but black pudding is optional as far as I'm concerned.

37. ‘If it Alleviates social problems later then it's a good thing, as far as I'm concerned.’ ‘A number of industry sources have said a massive cow cull in the past year could have alleviated the current problem.’ ‘The restrictions will stay in force until the problem is alleviated by a period of sustained rainfall.’