application of income in Germany

application of income [æplikeiʃənɔfiŋkʌm] Einkommensverwendung

Sentence patterns related to "application of income"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "application of income" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "application of income", or refer to the context using the word "application of income" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. A Yes - Please indicate on the application form your current net income.

2. Emission allowances for corporations can additionally be taxed (e.g. via the application of a corporate tax or a corporate income tax).

Emissionszertifikate von Unternehmen können zusätzlich besteuert werden (z. B. über die Erhebung einer Körperschaftssteuer).

3. Compensating factors are positive aspects of a borrower’s loan application that help offset the negative such as bad credit or low income

4. Chart Money income and after-tax income as a ratio of factor income.

5. Additionally, in terms of income, the GDI considers income-gaps in terms of actual earned income.

Darüber hinaus betrachtet der GDI Einkommenslücken in Bezug auf das tatsächliche Arbeitseinkommen.

6. Market income + government transfers – income taxes = After-tax income Market income comprises four categories:

7. Budgetable income consists of projected gross annual income, except for self-employment income, which uses net income (see Section 33.6.6 Self-Employment Earnings)

8. It plots income, average income in China as a percentage of average income in the United States.

Es zeigt das durchschnittliche Einkommen in China als Anteil dessen der USA.

9. Black per capita income overall was 56 percent of white income.

10. ifetime income and permanent income hypothesis

11. Lifetime income and permanent income hypothesis,

12. In a time of receding income, the income tax reduces itself automatically.

13. Income classified as other operating income, financial income and extraordinary income in company accounts is excluded from turnover

Erträge, die im Rahmen der Rechnungslegung als sonstige betriebliche Erträge, finanzielle Erträge oder außerordentliche Erträge eingestuft sind, zählen nicht als Umsatz

14. What we did is actually we looked at countries by income level: low-income, mid-income, high-income.

15. Income classified as other operating income, financial income and extraordinary income in company accounts is excluded from turnover.

Erträge, die im Rahmen der Rechnungslegung als sonstige betriebliche Erträge, finanzielle Erträge oder außerordentliche Erträge eingestuft sind, zählen nicht als Umsatz.

16. The relevance of the average alternative income and the actual alternative income

Zur Erheblichkeit der durchschnittlichen und der tatsächlichen Alternativeinkünfte

17. Individual income tax for personal gain, is all sorts of taxable income.

18. Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is defined as gross income minus adjustments to income

19. The aggregate income index is disposable income.

20. Annual income is the amount of income you earn in one fiscal year

21. Income from tourism accounts for a sizeable proportion of the area's total income.

22. 3 The measurement of income distribution Official statistics measure income in a variety of ways.

23. The Secretary-General requests that the General Assembly authorize the application of the accumulated interest income ($109,400,000) and the working capital reserve ($45,000,000) to the present cash balance.

24. 26 As a branch of financial accounting, accounting for income tax is different frow income tax accounting and it deals with the difference between accounting income and taxable income.

25. Total comprehensive income comprises all components of ‘profit or loss’ and of ‘other comprehensive income’.

Das Gesamtergebnis umfasst alle Bestandteile des „Gewinns oder Verlusts“ und des „sonstigen Ergebnisses“.