angles of refraction in Germany

angles of refraction [æŋglzɔfrifrækʃən] Brechungswinkel

Sentence patterns related to "angles of refraction"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "angles of refraction" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "angles of refraction", or refer to the context using the word "angles of refraction" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Investigations into birefringent crystals demonstrate that the two directions of vibration in conformity with the value of double refraction have different polarizing angles.

Bei doppeltbrechenden Kristallen ist der Polarisationswinkel gemäß der Höhe der Doppelbrechung für die entsprechenden Schwingungsrichtungen verschieden groß.

2. " Principles of Optical Refraction. "

3. Light refraction?

4. The measurements are in accordance with computed refraction angles, which were derived from temperature gradients measured by Best in the same height interval.

Diese Messungen stimmen mit berechneten Refraktionswinkeln überein, die aus Temperaturgradientenmessungen von Best im gleichen Höhenintervall abgeleitet worden sind.

5. High index of refraction monomers

6. Eye disorders Very rare-Refraction disorders Refraction anomalies may occur upon initiation of insulin therapy

Augenerkrankungen Sehr selten-Refraktionsanomalien Refraktionsanomalien können zu Beginn einer Insulintherapie auftreten

7. Refraction — Snell's Law.

8. Birefringence definition, double refraction

9. That's the refraction angle.

Der Brechungswinkel.

10. Angles 1,2,6,7 are exterior Angles Alternate interior Angles: Pairs of interior Angles on opposite sides of the transversal

11. Think of acute Angles as sharp Angles

12. Alternate exterior Angles: Pairs of exterior Angles …

13. Device for measuring aberration refraction of the eye

14. Borish’s Clinical Refraction – E-Book

15. And the angle of refraction is theta 2.

Und der Brechungswinkel ist Theta 2.

16. Oedema and refraction abnormalities of the eye o tn

Ödeme und Veränderung der Brechkraft der Augenlinse

17. 9 High thermal conductivity, High index of refraction glue.

18. Turnable acoustic gradient index of refraction lens and system

19. In this work d'Alembert theoretically explained refraction.

20. Dioptometer:an instrument used for measuring ocular refraction.

21. Related issues of atmospheric refraction applied to all astronomical observations.

22. The computation results of the extinction angles versus firing angles, phase shift angles of the load and degree of asymmetry are shown.

Die errechneten Abhängigkeiten des Löschwinkels von der Phasenlage der Last und der Unsymmetrie der Ansteuerung werden dargestellt.

23. The absolute value of the difference between the index of refraction of the sealing resin and the index of refraction of the optically diffusive organic particles is 0.020-0.135, inclusive.

24. And we see the angles of the rings at different angles, there.

Wir sehen die Planetenringe aus verschiedenen Winkeln.

25. Borish’s Clinical Refraction provides the reader with two varieties of information