amount paid out in Germany

amount paid out [əmauntpeidaut] ausgezahlter Betrag

Sentence patterns related to "amount paid out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "amount paid out" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "amount paid out", or refer to the context using the word "amount paid out" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Equally, an amount of EUR 41.9 million carried over from 2003 was also paid out.

Außerdem wurde ein aus dem Haushaltsjahr 2003 übertragener Betrag in Höhe von 41,9 Mio.

2. A Copay is a fixed out-of-pocket amount paid by an insured for covered services

3. Maintenance allowances (amount actually paid to you)

Unterhaltszahlungen (Betrag, der Ihnen tatsächlich gezahlt wurde)

4. With most bonds, interest is paid out periodically and the only interest paid At maturity is the amount earned since the last interest payment.

5. (12) Ratio of the total amount at risk over the total amount paid.

(12) Anteil des Gesamtrisikobetrags am insgesamt gezahlten Betrag.

6. The amount paid will vary according to circumstances.

7. You shall reimburse the bank for the amount paid.

8. the aggregated Union aid amount expected to be paid.

den erwarteten Gesamtbetrag der zu zahlenden Unionsbeihilfe.

9. ◦ the amount of any actuarial surplus paid, if applicable; and

10. The net amount At risk is the difference between the death benefit paid out on a life insurance policy and the accrued cash value paid for it by the insured.

11. Discretionary Bonuses are not required to be paid out, and the amount of the bonus is up to to the employer.

12. What Is Copay or Copayment? A copay is a fixed out-of-pocket amount paid by an insured for covered services

13. The amount of such aid may be paid over five years.

Der Betrag dieser Beihilfen kann innerhalb von fünf Jahren ausgezahlt werden.

14. The storekeeper endorsed my bill when I paid the full amount.

15. Arrearages refers to the deficiency between the amount, if any, paid and the amount required under court order

16. The amount to be deducted for the transportation costs must be the actual amount paid to the shipper.

17. The Amount financed is the actual Amount of credit that needs to be paid back by the borrower

18. Many factors can affect the amount that is ultimately paid to you.

19. Overall amount of ad hoc aid: EUR 0 paid over 0 years

Gesamtbetrag der Einzelbeihilfe: 0 EUR gezahlt über: 0 Jahre

20. Amount actually paid in EUR (after reduction laid down in Article 139)

Tatsächlich bezahlter Betrag in EUR (nach Kürzung gemäß Artikel 139)

21. They came to a compromise over the exact amount to be paid.

22. A Copayment is just a portion of that amount that is paid in lieu of the maximum allowable amount.

23. The agent does not have to disclose the amount his client paid.

24. They sold the house for treble the amount they paid for it.

25. For example, an amount paid to obtain a trademark must be capitalized.