alias phase name in Germany

alias phase name [eiliəzfeizneim] symbolischer Abschnittsname

Sentence patterns related to "alias phase name"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "alias phase name" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "alias phase name", or refer to the context using the word "alias phase name" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Last name Last name alias (if applicable)

2. other names (alias(es), artistic name(s), usual name(s)), if any;

sonstige Namen (Aliasname(n), Künstlername(n), gebräuchliche(r) Name(n)), falls zutreffend;

3. Specify the alias name for userid and password.

4. CNAME (canonical name) records map an alias domain name to a canonical (true) domain name.

CNAME-Einträge (canonical name – kanonischer Name) verknüpfen einen Alias-Domainnamen mit einem kanonischen (echten) Domainnamen.

5. The same name that Sarah used for her alias.

6. (iii) if applicable, pseudonym and/or alias name(s).

iii) gegebenenfalls Pseudonym und/oder Aliasname(n).

7. Alias: the first alias name is written out in full and the total number of aliases found is indicated

Aliasname: In diese Rubrik wird zunächst der erste Aliasname voll ausgeschrieben sowie die gesamte Anzahl der festgestellten Aliasnamen eingetragen

8. The official name is listed as the primary name, with the unregistered name as an alias.

Der offizielle Name ist als Hauptname gelistet, der unregistrierte Name wird als Alias geführt.

9. statements must use the alias rather than the table name.

-Anweisungen den Alias statt des Tabellennamens verwenden.

10. The name Robert J. Thorne has to be an alias.

11. surname, maiden name, given names and any alias or assumed names

Name, Geburtsname, Vornamen und gegebenenfalls Aliasnamen oder angenommene Namen

12. He goes by the name of Minton, but it's an alias.

Er nennt sich Minton, aber das ist nur ein Deckname.

13. The name Darren was an alias he used to avoid the police.

14. Admin4 usage of CCSID_short name with Java 8 CORRECTION FOR APAR SE70085 :-----Java 8 does not support ccsid alias like 37, it support ccsid alias 037 or CP037, Web Admin will check the ccsid alias and switch unsupported alias

15. Calculated column-alias: Argument: column-alias

16. (a) surname, maiden name, given names and any alias or assumed names;

a) Name, Geburtsname, Vornamen und gegebenenfalls Aliasnamen oder angenommene Namen;

17. That was the reason why I used my Citrix forum alias as domain name.

Ich wählte damals meinen Alias aus dem Citrix Forum für den Namen meiner Domäne.

18. The Brahman alias is a reference to the Hindu term of the same name.

19. tag should contain the full channel name, not any alias (don't use "pear", use "".

20. The index Aliases API allows aliasing an index with a name, with all APIs automatically converting the alias name to the actual index name

21. Cabman pucaso is an alias name of Ernest Morena a hip-hop, dancehall and song writer

22. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_parse() for downwards compatability.

23. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_internal_debug() for downwards compatability.

24. This name still can be used, it was left as alias of oci_error() for downwards compatability.

25. Syphilis (Zambia) - Phase I Responsible Officer Lawrence Gelmon Name: