aggregate real wage in Germany

aggregate real wage [ægrigeitreiɑːlweidʒ] Reallohnsumme

Sentence patterns related to "aggregate real wage"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "aggregate real wage" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "aggregate real wage", or refer to the context using the word "aggregate real wage" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. 15 Real wage cuts, by reducing aggregate demand, raise the level of Keynesian unemployment.

2. But what happens to the real wage rate following a fall in aggregate demand?

3. Industrial aggregate wage index 10.

4. 1998) cut a big slice out of the average worker’s real wage while hardly affecting the aggregate employment.

5. In some countries that are at or close to full employment, real wage increases could accelerate, with related positive effects on aggregate consumption.

In Ländern mit Vollbeschäftigung oder annähernder Vollbeschäftigung könnten die Reallohnerhöhungen beschleunigt und dadurch der Gesamtverbrauch gesteigert werden.

6. 21 If prices rise and the nominal wage remains constant, the real wage falls.



8. Within general economics, aggregate employment and wage trends are inputs to and outputs from macroeconomic forecasts.

9. 2 Raising the minimum wage would ratchet up real incomes in general.

10. The premiums for the other three insurances amounted in the aggregate to 0.5% of the wage bill.

Insgesamt entfällt auf die Prämien für die drei weiteren Versicherungen ein Anteil von 0,5 % der Lohnsumme.

11. 1 Model plants are aggregate representations of real life electricity generating units.

12. If unemployment is classical, steps must be taken to reduce the real wage rate.

13. Obviously a process of balanced deflation would entail no alteration of the real wage rate.

14. If wage rate unequal in different countries, real unequal trade and international exploitation would appear.

15. The serious problem of inequality was part of a real deficiency in aggregate demand.

16. Adjustment to these fluctuations in export earnings usually requires changes in relative prices such as the real wage rate and the real exchange rate.

17. In that situation failure to accumulate in the face of rapidly rising real wage costs spells disaster.

18. The real wage rate is not a variable which can be directly negotiated in the bargaining process.

19. Thirdly, estimate the elasticity of the constrained labour demand function with respect to the real wage rate.

20. 20 Shifts in aggregate demand will affect real output if they are random and unpredictable.

21. Thus a rise in real government expenditure shifts the aggregate demand curve to the right.

22. At the aggregate level we could not detect an impact on the Retail Prices Index ( RPI ) from the introduction of the minimum wage .

23. Deflation would weaken aggregate demand by raising the real (inflation-adjusted) value of household and corporate debt, and by increasing real interest rates.

Indem Deflation den realen (inflationsangepassten) Wert der Haushalts- und Unternehmensschulden sowie die realen Zinssätze erhöht, schwächt sie die Gesamtnachfrage.

24. The chart below illustrates aggregate supply (AS) and aggregate demand (AD), with the price level on the vertical axis and real output on the horizontal axis.

25. 24 Thus a rise in real government expenditure shifts the aggregate demand curve to the right.