advanced technology in Germany

advanced technology [ədvɑːnstteknɔlədʒiː] Spitzentechnologie

Sentence patterns related to "advanced technology"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "advanced technology" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "advanced technology", or refer to the context using the word "advanced technology" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. • advanced technology fireplaces

2. No advanced technology.

Keine fortschrittliche Technologie.

3. Argent Advanced Technology -1cmdr

4. - advanced technology training programmes,

- eine hochspezialisierte Ausbildung;

5. INDEX A Advanced Technology Vehicles Program

6. The Cuboid features Joyetech's most advanced technology

7. " The buying and selling of advanced technology. "

" Der Kauf und Verkauf von Hoch-Technologie. "

8. His body has been modified using advanced technology.

9. Semiconductor storage apparatus for serial advanced technology attachment-based

10. They declare mutual interest in the advanced technology exchange.

11. - advanced-technology training programmes, with emphasis being placed on multidisciplinarity,

- eine hochspezialisierte Ausbildung, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf die Interdisziplinarität gelegt wird;

12. Those scanners constitute advanced technology screening systems for monitoring freight.

13. Advanced technology working in harmony with nature and the environment.

Fortschrittliche Technik im Einklang mit der Natur.

14. ) To the primitive mind, advanced technology can seem like magic.

Einem Primitivling erscheint moderne Technik wie Magie.

15. Those scanners constitute advanced technology screening systems for monitoring freight

16. - advanced technology training programmes, with emphasis being placed on multidisiplinarity,

- eine hochspezialisierte Ausbildung, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf die Interdisziplinarität gelegt wird;

17. It employs the most advanced technology and is constantly updated.

18. I had to shrink it down, with our advanced technology.

19. - advanced technology training programmes, with emphasis being placed on multidisciplinarity,

- eine hochspezialisierte Ausbildung, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf die Interdisziplinarität gelegt wird;

20. ATD-X is an acronym for "Advanced Technology Demonstrator – X".

21. Wouldn't there also be signs of a highly advanced technology?

Wären da nicht auch Zeichen von hochentwickelter Technologie?

22. - advanced technology training programmes, with emphasis being placed on multi disciplinarity,

- eine hochspezialisierte Ausbildung, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf die Interdisziplinarität ausgelegt wird;

23. • New gymnasium with the most advanced technology in cardio-vascular machines.

• Ein neues Fitnessstudio, das mit den fortschrittlichsten Geräten ausgestattet ist.

24. Our systems of protecting advanced technology show an increasingly apparent convergence.

25. - advanced technology training programmes, with emphasis being placed on multi-disciplinarity,

- eine hochspezialisierte Ausbildung, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf die Interdisziplinarität gelegt wird;

26. Serial advanced technology attachment write protection: mass storage data protection device

27. 1500 15 0.16 Stoves/Fireplaces with Advanced Technology or Catalytic Control

28. All this advanced technology - and our entire security system - costs money.

29. It has evolved from the legacy Advanced Technology Attachment (ATA a.k.a.

Er hat sich aus dem veralteten ATA (auch IDE genannten) Standard entwickelt.

30. - advanced technology training programmes, with the emphasis being placed on multidisciplinarity,

- von Ausbildungsprogrammen für fortgeschrittene Technologie, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf die Interdisziplinarität gelegt wird;

31. The storage medium device standard may be an Advanced Technology Attachment standard.

32. We can also integrate all kinds of advanced technology through this process.

33. Introduce overseas advanced technology, goody appearance, logical structure, high efficiency, operate simply.

34. He is saying that each of the 12 is offering advanced technology.

35. Chronograph watches Experience the advanced technology of men's and women's Chronograph watches

36. Behind every Land Rover excursion is an unparalleled gathering of advanced technology.

37. These countries could not produce ICBM due to lack of advanced technology.

38. Canadian aerospace products are global symbols of our ingenuity and advanced technology excellence.

39. There's evidence of advanced technology... warp reactors, subspace transmitters... but no life signs.

Es gibt fortgeschrittene Technologie, Warpreaktoren, Subraum-Transmitter... aber keine Lebenszeichen.

40. As regards the Power sector, France stresses the advanced technology which Alstom possesses.

Im Hinblick auf die Sparte Power unterstreicht Frankreich die Tatsache, dass Alstom hier über Spitzentechnologien verfügt.

41. Use of advanced technology, hot metal wood material with lifelike appearance wood casement.

42. Storage device of serial attached small computer system interface/serial advanced technology attachment type

43. Most people think that new technology or advanced technology can never start in Africa.

44. Thailand expressed interest in India’s defence industry, which has competitive production and advanced technology.

45. * Harnessing advanced technology, like satellite communication, to make quality Health and Education more accessible.

46. MEDEA+ is planning on helping European manufacturers develop this advanced technology and applications expertise.

MEDEA+ plant, europäische Hersteller dabei zu unterstützen, das Fachwissen über diese fortschrittliche Technologie und die Anwendungen weiterzuentwickeln.

47. A friend of mine once wrote that sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Ein Freund schrieb einmal, dass weit vorangeschrittene Technologie nicht zu unterscheiden ist von Magie.

48. Humans, with all their advanced technology, create countless tons of unrecyclable toxic waste annually.

Der Mensch produziert trotz des enormen technischen Fortschritts jährlich unzählige Tonnen nicht recycelbaren Giftmüll.

49. Advanced technology, with its computers and missiles, has even put men on the moon.

50. In 2002, the American advanced technology company, iRobot launched the Roomba floor vacuuming robot.