additional freight in Germany

additional freight [ədiʃənlfreit] Frachtzuschlag

Sentence patterns related to "additional freight"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "additional freight" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "additional freight", or refer to the context using the word "additional freight" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. submitted a claim for additional freight costs

2. - not charging for additional freight costs caused by the pulp's above-average moisture content,

vi) Nichtberechnung zusätzlicher Frachtkosten, die durch überdurchschnittlichen Feuchtigkeitsgehalt der Ware bedingt sind;

3. The planning also involves the building, in the medium term, of additional freight facilities along that area.

Die Planung umfaßt ebenfalls mittelfristig die Erstellung zusätzlicher Frachtanlagen entlang dieses Vorfelds.

4. The same is true of additional freight services, performed using a ro-ro ferry according to traffic requirements.

Das Gleiche gilt für zusätzliche Güterverkehrsdienste, die nach Maßgabe der Verkehrserfordernisse mit einer Ro-Ro-Fähre erbracht werden.

5. Those procedures have to be carried out in Russia, with the attendant additional freight and customs inspection costs.

6. Additional freight trains run between Verden and Nienburg running on the Weser-Aller Railway between Hamburg and Minden.

In Verden und Nienburg gelangt weiterer Güterverkehr über die Weser–Aller–Bahn aus Hamburg und Minden auf die Strecke.

7. The evidence confirms that Combustion incurred additional freight, storage and insurance charges in the amount of GBP 15,902.

8. Reports from India indicate that although transport firms allow drivers enough time to complete their journey, many truckers add to their earnings by taking additional freight to more places, requiring more time at the wheel.