acid soluble in Germany

acid soluble [æsidsɔljubl] säurelöslich

Sentence patterns related to "acid soluble"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "acid soluble" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "acid soluble", or refer to the context using the word "acid soluble" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Acid-soluble matter

Säurelösliche Bestandteile

2. Acid-soluble iron

Säurelösliches Eisen

3. Acid soluble matter

Säurelösliche Bestandteile

4. Acid soluble defluidizing pills

5. Stepwise dialysis enables fractionation of the performic acid soluble low molecular weight proteins.

Die in Perameisensäure löslichen, niedermolekularen Proteine werden durch fraktionierte Dialyse aufgetrennt.

6. The acid soluble fraction was fractionated by high voltage paper electrophoresis in a pyridine-acetic acid-buffer.

Die säurelösliche Fraktion wurde durch Papierhochspannungselektrophorese im Pyridin-Eisessig-Puffer vorgetrennt.

7. Acid-soluble cement compositions comprising cement kiln dust and/or a natural pozzolan and methods of use

8. The acid-soluble fraction is amorphous, the alkali-soluble and the insoluble residuum is faintly microfibrillar, and the cellulose II preparation is strongly microfibrillar.

9. The loess-inorganic based cement admixture according to the present invention can reduce the concentration of water-soluble/acid-soluble hexavalent chromium present in the cement and cement-clinker.

10. A vegetable tannin is condensed with formaldehyde and an amine to provide an acid soluble product which is useful in a metal treatment solution to enhance corrosion resistance and paint adhesion characteristics of a metal surface.

11. The process comprises, reacting Kimberlite tailing with mineral acid to remove acid soluble impurities followed by digesting acid treated Kimberlite tailing with alkali solution in a open or closed system to obtain sodium silicate useful for commercial applications.

12. Taking the necessary precautions to avoid loss of ammonia, add to the flask about 30 ml of 30 % sodium hydroxide solution (4.9) and finally, in the case of acid soluble samples an additional quantity sufficient to neutralise the quantity of hydrochloric acid (4.1) present in the aliquot part taken for the analysis.

Man trifft geeignete Vorkehrungen, um jeglichen Verlust an Ammoniak zu vermeiden, und gibt in den Destillierkolben etwa 30 ml Natronlauge (4.9). Gegebenenfalls erhöht man diese Menge in dem Maße, in welchem es zur Neutralisation von Salzsäure (4.1) im aliquoten Teil einer sauren zu analysierenden Probelösung nötig sein kann.