account period in Germany

account period [əkauntpiəriəd] Abrechnungsperiode

Sentence patterns related to "account period"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "account period" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "account period", or refer to the context using the word "account period" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. The acquiring account must be the retirement account for the current period.

Das Empfängerkonto muss das Ausbuchungskonto für den Bezugszeitraum sein.

2. Your account balance for the time period selected.

3. Profit-and-loss account for the period ending # December

4. About mammary complex, there is account early in antediluvian period.

5. Information relating to a period subsequent to the investigation period shall not, normally, be taken into account.

Informationen, die für einen Zeitraum nach diesem Untersuchungszeitraum vorgelegt werden, werden in der Regel nicht berücksichtigt.

6. Get For Billing Period By Billing Account : Gets the Balances for a scope by billing period and billingAccountId

7. Were the results of the previous programming period taken into account?

Wurden die Ergebnisse des vorangehenden Programmplanungszeitraums berücksichtigt?

8. After an account reset, a user can't recover any messages sent to the account during the restricted period.

9. The warning period will also be displayed in your account on the Diagnostics page, under Account issues page.

10. This account will only give up $ 1,200 in any 24-hour period.

11. Any comment submitted after this period will not be taken into account.

Nach Ablauf dieser Frist eingehende Stellungnahmen werden nicht berücksichtigt.

12. (The warning period will also be displayed in your Merchant Center account on the Diagnostics page, under 'Account issues').

13. After the grace period, a user's suspended account will be permanently deleted.

14. Invalidity and survivors' pensions, for which account is taken of a supplementary period

Invaliditäts- und Hinterbliebenenrenten, bei denen eine Zurechnungszeit berücksichtigt wird.

15. These include Stefansson's account which only covers the June to September 1913 period.

16. Monitor your budget's amount and spend during the period of the account budget.

17. As mentioned in the creation account, the daylight period is also called day.

Wie aus dem Schöpfungsbericht hervorgeht, wird auch die Zeit des Tageslichts „Tag“ genannt (1Mo 1:5; 8:22).

18. Your account or website will be reviewed at the end of the warning period.

19. The time period for reporting shall take account of the severity of the event.

Die Frist, innerhalb deren die Meldung zu erfolgen hat, hängt von der Schwere des Ereignisses ab.

20. Old-age pensions, for which account is taken of a supplementary period already acquired

Altersrenten, bei denen eine bereits erworbene Zurechnungszeit berücksichtigt wird.

21. These requirements will be subsequently reflected in the proposed support account budget for the # period

22. NB: Croatia figures are corrected to take into account the "enlargement" competitions organised during the period

NB: Die Zahlen von Kroatien sind korrigiert, um den während dieses Zeitraums organisierten „Erweiterungs-“Auswahlverfahren Rechnung zu tragen.

23. Domestic offset purchases account for 30 Mt of stated emissions reductions over the 2010–2012 period.

24. These 71 OPs account for 33 % of the estimated expenditure under the 2007-2013 programming period.

Auf diese 71 OP entfallen 33 % der geschätzten Ausgaben des Programmplanungszeitraums 2007-2013.

25. During the warning period, you can request one courtesy review of your account at any time.