abnormalities in Germany

abnormalities [æbnɔːmælitiz] Abweichunge

Sentence patterns related to "abnormalities"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "abnormalities" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "abnormalities", or refer to the context using the word "abnormalities" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Detecting blade structure abnormalities

2. Overview of Chromosome Abnormalities

3. Cholesterol Abnormalities and Diabetes

4. All 250 have thyroid abnormalities.

5. Abnormalities of external genitalia

6. Types of Chromosome Abnormalities

7. functionally insignificant cardiac valvular abnormalities;

nicht signifikante funktionelle Veränderungen an einer der Herzklappen;

8. 22 Many human developmental abnormalities arise from abnormalities in the moulding of sheets of cells.


Die Registrierung umfasst nacheinander die Anomalien des Nervensystems ( Anenzephalie , Spina bifida usw . ) , das Down-Syndrom , schwere Mißbildungen der Gliedmassen , Mehrfachanomalien , Phenylketonurie , Zöliakie .

10. Amniocentesis results show no genetic abnormalities.

Genetische Anomalien wurden nicht festgestellt.

11. No structural chromosomal abnormalities were observed.

12. Find another word for Abnormalities

13. Echo was clean.No structural abnormalities

14. Testicular abnormalities: Testicular abnormalities are seen in a majority (~85%) of boys with McCune–Albright syndrome.

15. (iv) functionally insignificant cardiac valvular abnormalities;

iv) nicht signifikante funktionelle Veränderungen an einer der Herzklappen;

16. Hepato-biliary disorders: liver function abnormalities

17. No neurological, muscular or cardiovascular abnormalities.

18. Structural Abnormalities (urinary tract isn’t formed properly)

19. (iii) functionally insignificant cardiac valvular abnormalities;

iii) nicht signifikante funktionelle Veränderungen an einer der Herzklappen;

20. Palpation of skin shows no abnormalities.

21. Normal "Abnormalities" in Palms 1

22. No abnormalities were found on clinical examination.

23. Abnormalities of human chromosomes following therapeutic irradiation.

24. Aleph Abnormalities are extremely dangerous both in containment and when they trigger their abilities, being more dangerous than WAW Abnormalities

25. Physicians must report children with congenital abnormalities.

26. Chromosomal Abnormalities may cause 50% of recurrent pregnancy losses; losses due to chromosomal Abnormalities are more common during early pregnancy

27. Secale cereale, somaclonal variation, nondiploid plants, meiotic abnormalities.

28. Chromosome Abnormalities can be numerical or structural

29. Anorectal malformations include several different abnormalities, including:

30. The ocular fundus examination revealed no abnormalities.

Funduskopisch liegen keine Auffälligkeiten vor.

31. 5 When thought to involve abnormalities of smooth muscle without abnormalities in myenteric neurons the syndrome is termed hollow visceral myopathy.

32. Brachycephalic syndrome may involve several upper airway abnormalities

33. Abnormalities of labia majora: can be hypoplastic or …

34. Method and apparatus for treating refractive eye abnormalities

35. A routine scan revealed abnormalities in the fetus.

36. Biochemical analysis failed to pin-point any specific abnormalities.

Die biochemische Analyse deckt keine spezifischen Abweichungen auf.

37. Oedema and refraction abnormalities of the eye o tn

Ödeme und Veränderung der Brechkraft der Augenlinse

38. Abnormalities in growth and development in C. nitida (Vent.)

39. Abnormalities of the eye are common among albinos.

40. There are also subtle abnormalities in brain structure.

Zudem gibt es feine Anomalien in der Struktur des Gehirns.

41. Certain chromosomal abnormalities are associated with male infertility .

42. Patients with deficiencies and abnormalities of the Cardiopulmonary system

43. Compliance monitoring will detect abnormalities that must be addressed.

44. Marked abnormalities in structure were found in 1 case.

Ein Fall zeigte auffallende Abweichungen von der normalen Drüsenstruktur.

45. • Placental abnormalities: placenta previa, abruptio placentae or cord compression

46. 2-adamantanemethanamine compounds for treating abnormalities in glutamatergic transmission

47. If liver function abnormalities recur, VIRAMUNE should be permanently discontinued

Wenn erneut von der Norm abweichende Leberfunktionswerte auftreten, ist VIRAMUNE dauerhaft abzusetzen

48. Excess weight promotes high blood pressure and lipid abnormalities.

Übergewicht fördert hohen Blutdruck und Fettstoffwechselstörungen.

49. Congenital abnormalities are unlikely to develop after week 10 .

50. Lethal and severe defects together constitute major congenital abnormalities.