a distinction without difference in Germany

[ədistiŋkʃənwiθɔːtdifrəns] Haarspalterei, Spitzfindigkeit

Sentence patterns related to "a distinction without difference"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "a distinction without difference" from the English - Germany Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "a distinction without difference", or refer to the context using the word "a distinction without difference" in the English - Germany Dictionary.

1. Cormorants and Shags (Phalacrocoracidae) Taxonomically, a cormorant and a shag is a distinction without a difference

2. From a practical standpoint, however, this distinction makes little difference.

3. Customers are treated without distinction of sex and age.

4. All groups are entitled to this money without distinction.

5. His writing is formless, clumsy, and quite without distinction.

6. Antonyms for Commonality include dissimilarity, difference, distinction, disparity, discrepancy, unlikeness, dissimilitude, incomparability, divergence and

7. Personality cannot exist without difference , but only difference cannot conduce personality.

8. To receive without any distinction dignified treatment: respect, consideration and Amiability.: Recevoir sans aucune distinction un traitement digne : respect, considération et amabilité

9. A clinical difference between tenosynovitis with and without tendon lesion was not found.

Eine klinische Differenzierungsmöglichkeit zwischen Tenosynovialitis mit und ohne Sehnenläsion ließ sich in dieser Untersuchung nicht finden.

10. 30 There was a clearer distinction of ranks and a dimmer distinction of parties.

11. The Constitution guaranteed access to justice for all without any distinction based on ethnic origin or nationality.

12. The difference between Whigs and Tories matters about as much to a Brobdingnagian as the distinction between Lilliputian high and low heels matters to Gulliver.

13. The Bible makes a definite distinction between them, though the distinction is not hard and fast.

14. He richly merits such a distinction.

15. He is a writer of real distinction.

16. Bacon is a savory gift of distinction.

17. She is a historian of great distinction.

18. He obtained a law doctorate with distinction.

19. Simply put, Commingling is the mixing and usage of personal and business funds without any clear distinction between the two

20. These penalties apply without distinction to nationals and aliens and to individuals and bodies corporate found guilty of this offence.

21. These penalties apply without distinction to nationals and aliens and to individuals and bodies corporate found guilty of this offence

22. Contradistinction Meaning: "distinction by opposite qualities, direct contrast," 1640s, from contra- + distinction

23. The Distinction Crosshead is a trimmable Crosshead profile

24. The distinction between rationalism and empiricism relates to a distinction between knowledge acquired by reason and knowledge acquired by the senses.

25. A second distinction is between absolute and relative inequality.