sorely in Czech

sorely vážně Entry edited by: B2 sorely velice Entry edited by: B2 sorely tvrdě Entry edited by: B2 sorely těžce Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "sorely"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sorely" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sorely", or refer to the context using the word "sorely" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The building is sorely neglected.

2. You sorely test my patience.

3. 20 Tom was sorely tried.

4. 8 He squinches his features sorely.

5. Job, sorely tried, kept integrity

6. 13 Your financial help is sorely needed.

7. 1 I was sorely tempted to retaliate.

8. 11 The building is sorely neglected.

9. You were sorely missed at council.

10. 12 Your help is sorely needed .

11. 3 Jim will be sorely missed .

12. She was sorely missed at the reunion.

13. This is what sorely troubles him.

14. I was sorely tempted to retaliate.

15. When sorely tested, what should we remember?

16. 2 I for one was sorely disappointed.

17. 10 She was sorely missed at the reunion.

18. Europe is sorely in need of one.

19. 24 A regular pitch was sorely needed.

20. What does Achingly mean? In an aching manner; sorely

21. These people were sorely oppressed by their mission masters.

22. Knowledge of Jehovah was sorely lacking in Israel.

23. 23 That vow was sorely tested during the tour.

24. There were times when my temper was sorely tested.

25. Darius was sorely troubled by the news they brought him.

26. 6 The demands of the job have tried him sorely.

27. 26 The Captain of the Diefrnbaker was sorely tried.

28. 22 In the process his patience was sorely tested.

29. 23 Conference watchers say his barnstorming oratory's been sorely missed.

30. 25 It was this company they sorely missed once unemployed.

31. The auction promotes openness and honesty, sorely needed in the process.

32. Trials may come from sources that can sorely test us.

33. 9 I was sorely tempted to complain, but I didn't.

34. 7 There were times when my temper was sorely tested.

35. The enemy is sorely chagrined at our continual diplomatic victories.

36. 3 Although Job was sorely tested, he remained faithful to God.

37. 14 John will be sorely missed by his family and friends.

38. 15 Sabine was sorely tempted to throw her drink in his face.

39. With his tardiness, carelessness and appalling good humor, we were sorely perplexed.

40. If you don't come to the reunion you'll be sorely missed.

41. The Organization has, indeed, been sorely tested over the past year.

42. 17 Courage is a quality that is sorely lacking in world leaders today.

43. 30 If you don't come to the reunion you'll be sorely missed.

44. After nine years of crisis, the Burundian economy has been sorely tried

45. 18 She was sorely tempted to throw the wine in his face.

46. These medical aspects are sorely needed in most of the current bestseller diet books.

47. It is the principal export product and brings in much sorely needed foreign currency.

48. It was a sorely needed lesson because I had been an inveterate arguer.

49. 5 The room was sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint.

50. The third thing we need and which is sorely lacking is an industrial adjustment strategy