socialising in Czech

socialising <n.> zespolečenšťování Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "socialising"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "socialising" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "socialising", or refer to the context using the word "socialising" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The hours were terrible, so socialising was difficult.

2. Everyone is so busy working, you don't have time socialising, and even if you are socialising, you are putting on a fake face.

3. Furthermore, almost all socialising among friends is done in restaurants as apartments are small.

4. Then, of course, the whole process of formal education is a crucial socialising agency.

5. But the study added: 'In shopping venues, socialising with, or watching others can provide social and mental benefits.

6. The cut-off year for the study was 200 when socialising was more primitive.

7. Most socialising had been concentrated within the private domestic sphere with their female kin and children.

8. Our life was always lived outside; working, playing and socialising was all done around the fire or in the woods and fields.

9. Antipsychotic medications may also be helpful for anxiety and agitation, and problems with mood, thinking and socialising

10. With her rent paid for the year, her budget had to cover transport, food, clothes and socialising.

11. Brigadiers features a collection of rooms, each with its own identity, experience and atmosphere – all perfect for relaxed, informal and playful socialising

12. Concubines had their own rooms and would fill their days applying make-up, sewing, practising various arts and socialising with other Concubines

13. 'Victoria has been thrilled to be socialising with Katie Holmes. But it's like he's just left struggling to adjust. '

14. One in four people spend more time socialising online, using sites such as Facebook, than they do in person, according to research.

15. Sometimes I get confused between work and socialising, especially when we spend our off-duty time discussing what we did on duty.

16. The dress is particularly ideal for trans-seasonal wear, and also for dressing up with accessories for socialising after work.

17. There are problems socialising with the straight soccer guys, but all strive to join hands in a united effort to lead the team to victory.

18. Beer tastes pretty disgusting when you first try it, but some people come to associate it with good times and socialising with friends.

19. They say that socialising and meeting with friends helps boost levels of 'brown fat' in the body which burns calories to generate heat.

20. A relaxed evening of socialising, informative short talks and networking hosted by Hutchison Whampoa Properties (SH) all enjoyed to the backdrop of the elegant Binjiang One.

21. They won't see anyone else - Keith has no friends of his own and doesn't feel comfortable socialising - but plan to eat lots of chocolate, walk and watch television.

22. Explaining how new technology had threatened face-to-face socialising, he added: 'It's not just a sedentary lifestyle and high calorie foods, but an increasing lack of social engagement.

23. Four times as many men would also stop taking their wife on nights out in order to save cash as those who would cut back on socialising with their mistress.

24. During the 2006 World Cup the press gave increasing coverage to the socialising and shopping activities of the English WAGs, who were based in the German town of Baden Baden.

25. This suggests that the cooperation and coordination needed for group living can be challenging and over time some mammals have evolved larger brains to be able to cope with the demands of socialising.

26. The only real question mark concerning Cattermole is that a return to his native north-east may prompt a return to the dubious socialising which did not exactly enhance his progress at Middlesbrough.

27. school education not only represents an important means of socialising individuals and passing on the values, skills, knowledge and attitudes required for democracy, citizenship, intercultural dialogue and personal development, but also plays an essential role in the acquisition of the key competences needed for successful integration into economic life

28. school education not only represents an important means of socialising individuals and passing on the values, skills, knowledge and attitudes required for democracy, citizenship, intercultural dialogue and personal development, but also plays an essential role in the acquisition of the key competences needed for successful integration into economic life;