smuggle in Czech

smuggle <v.> pašovat Entry edited by: Petr Prášek

Sentence patterns related to "smuggle"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "smuggle" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "smuggle", or refer to the context using the word "smuggle" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. smuggle a notebook.

2. All deny conspiring to smuggle drugs.

3. I'll smuggle you in through the back door.

4. They will try to smuggle her out.

5. They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs.

6. 7 They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs.

7. Neither of them was trying to smuggle anything.

8. He leaned in to talk and smuggle her a cigarette.

9. Friends managed to smuggle him secretly out of the country.

10. They were foiled in their attempt to smuggle priceless paintings.

11. Henry Samson is using passenger planes to smuggle drugs.

12. He managed to smuggle a gun into the prison.

13. You made me smuggle in bombs in the name of gold.

14. Various methods were used to smuggle master copies of the literature.

15. 3 Friends managed to smuggle him secretly out of the country.

16. Is it difficult to smuggle tools into that prison?

17. Rob tried to smuggle his puppy into the house.

18. Those people hired Jim to smuggle the coffin out of the airport.

19. He bribed a guard to smuggle a note out of the prison.

20. Dealers have ways and means of making people smuggle drugs for them.

21. My message is "If you try to smuggle drugs you are stupid"

22. On no account must you smuggle things into the country.

23. Then in 19 another prisoner bribed a guard to smuggle out a note.

24. Customs officials uncovered a plot to smuggle weapons into the country.

25. David hired us to help him smuggle drugs across the border.

26. Can't you smuggle a gas bomb onto one of your rival hives?

27. Conspire (together) (to do something) They deny conspiring together to smuggle drugs

28. The Hand is using our company to smuggle synthetic heroin into the city.

29. Edwards is charged with trying to smuggle 20 kg of cannabis into the country.

30. They managed to smuggle a videotape of the captive journalists out of the prison.

31. Customs officials foiled an attempt to smuggle priceless paintings out of the country.

32. She encounters R2-D2 and convinces him to smuggle her aboard Senator Organa's corvette.

33. He had been caught trying to smuggle 46 pounds [21 kg] of cocaine to Spain.

34. She begged one of the potters to smuggle her baby out in an unused urn.

35. 13 They managed to smuggle a videotape of the captive journalists out of the prison.

36. Criminal networks which smuggle human beings for financial gain increasingly control the flow of migrants across borders.

37. A foreman is being paid off to smuggle both you and the C-4 into North Korea.

38. He thought it a punishment for the note the young cleric had tried to smuggle out via De Gaulle.

39. After I smuggle the stones across the border local buyers get them to a middleman in Monrovia.

40. If you can smuggle children across the border, then you can send him back the same way.

41. An attempt to smuggle heroin worth £30 million into the country has been thwarted by customs officials.

42. The dealers buy raw cocaine in the south, refine it here, and smuggle it into the north.

43. We were happy to see each other and immediately devised a plan to smuggle drugs out of Thailand.

44. They hire cars, report them as having been stolen, and then smuggle the vehicles out of the country.

45. Sales agents like Louis Bohne of Veuve Clicquot devised creative schemes to smuggle their wines to their clients.

46. An employee seeking to smuggle out documents can simply place them in a coat pocket to avoid detection.

47. Debeaumarché was in charge of the transportation of mail, a position he used to smuggle mail for the resistance.

48. King Thutmose III used spies to smuggle 200 soldiers, sewn in flour bags, into the city of Jaffa.

49. Alternatively, a courier will smuggle often millions of pounds at a time to a country where banking secrecy offers greater protection.

50. During the scandal, it was alleged that one of his jets was used to smuggle arms to his native country.