smitten in Czech

smitten ohromený Entry edited by: B2 smitten udeřený Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "smitten"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "smitten" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "smitten", or refer to the context using the word "smitten" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. So at this point I'm smitten.

2. He was smitten with that pretty girl.

3. She was totally smitten with Steve.

4. He was accused, cursed, and smitten.

5. The village was smitten by an epidemic.

6. They were totally smitten with each other.

7. They are smitten with each other.

8. He seems really smitten with her.

9. She was suddenly smitten with remorse.

10. The small town was smitten by an epidemic.

11. He was smitten with love for this young girl.

12. I met Janet yesterday, and I'm rather smitten with her.

13. These girls are quite smitten with the singer's charm.

14. As soon as he saw her, he was smitten.

15. Mr Sylvester Stallone, the muscular thespian, is smitten once more.

16. From the moment they met, he was completely smitten by her.

17. That El Comandante was smitten by the First Lady was immediately apparent.

18. 64 synonyms for Besotted: infatuated, charmed, captivated, beguiled, doting, smitten, bewitched

19. Even newbie Audiophiles can be smitten with the vintage hi-fi bug

20. The trees are splintered, crushed, and broken, as if smitten by thunderbolts.

21. He could well understand why his daughter was so smitten with the boy.

22. For the earth was smitten that it was adry, and did not yield forth grain in the season of grain; and the whole earth was smitten, even among the Lamanites as well as among the Nephites, so that they were smitten that they did perish by thousands in the more wicked parts of the land.

23. She has been smitten by anxiety for her son's safety for many years.

24. No, you wouldn't because we've never met before, but once written, for ever smitten!

25. I can today take up the plaintive lament of a peeled and woe - smitten people!

26. Second question: How does the welding link safeguard the earth from being smitten with a curse?

27. His trumpet was blown and a third of the sun, moon and stars were smitten and darkened.

28. Fellow students remember her being smitten by the tall, good looking Courtney who was 11 years her senior.

29. I doubt that she looked more angel than woman, as the smitten boy at New Minaden had thought.

30. 2 Chronicles 25:19 Thou hast said, Lo, I have smitten Edom; and thy heart /b/Boastfulness.htm - …

31. When Robert was twelve and I seven, both my parents and Ann were smitten by a particularly virulent flu germ.

32. Bresaola is spiced and air-dried beef with Italian origins. From the first time I tasted Bresaola, I was smitten

33. Consanguined consanguineous consanguinities: consanguinity consanguinuity consarcination consarcinations consarn consarn it consarned consarning conscience conscience-smitten: Literary usage of Consanguine

34. 7 And they shall be smitten with a great pestilence—and all this will I do because of their ainiquities and abominations.

35. 27 One could never tell, with these town-dwelling millionaires who were smitten with the desire to be landed gentry.

36. One could never tell[sentencedict .com], with these town-dwelling millionaires who were smitten with the desire to be landed gentry.

37. Smitten by war, the plains of Kyrenia were barren, and the sponge-divers of the Karpass had made barely a living.

38. Synonyms for Besotted with include enamored, enamoured, infatuated with, smitten with, beguiled by, bewitched by, captivated by, charmed by, enchanted by and …

39. Synonyms for Captivated by include enamored, enamoured, besotted with, infatuated with, smitten with, beguiled by, bewitched by, charmed by, enchanted by and enraptured by

40. Taun nonvicariousness disables beamwork jocks note-blind outraces true-seeming nonmusic Jacey ,Airworthiest wonder-smitten unakites Scala unsuppliable socialites newsbeat archpresbyter pencilled fibrocellular ,carcinolysin

41. Limhi’s people are smitten and defeated by the Lamanites—Limhi’s people meet Ammon and are converted—They tell Ammon of the twenty-four Jaredite plates.

42. Whence Lucretius sang concerning those amorous Bewitchings: The body smitten is, but yet the mind Is wounded with the darts of Cupid blind

43. Consanguined consanguineous consanguinities consanguinity (current term) consanguinuity consarcination consarcinations consarn: consarn it consarned consarning conscience conscience-smitten conscience money conscience vote conscience votes conscienced conscienceless

44. 'Tis Cupid himself that called me here and I smitten by his arrow must fly to your side despite the threats of Madame Guillotine.

45. She struggled (he same To orevent him, o bold and undaunted: Hut, ss smitten by lightning, he heard her ex claim, "Avaunt, slrl" And oft he Avaunted

46. The book centers on a prophecy that Joel made after the land of Judah was smitten with a severe drought and with locusts (Joel 1:4–20).

47. 17 Yea, and ye shall be smitten on every hand, and shall be driven and scattered to and fro, even as a wild flock is driven by wild and ferocious beasts.

48. 19 For behold, the same that ajudgeth brashly shall be judged rashly again; for according to his works shall his wages be; therefore, he that smiteth shall be smitten again, of the Lord.

49. An ideal match of form and flavor, this recipe from Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen pairs the Cragginess and crispy toasted edges of an English muffin with the taste of freshly made deli rye bread

50. One of these seafaring men- the shipmaster, indeed, who had spoken to Hester Prynne- was so smitten with Pearl's aspect, that he attempted to lay hands upon her, with purpose to snatch a kiss.