slurred in Czech

slurred nezřetelný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "slurred"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "slurred" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "slurred", or refer to the context using the word "slurred" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Slurred message

2. Barbiturates Slurred speech, Weak and rapid pulse,

3. He repeatedly mispronounced words and slurred his speech.

4. The general slurred over his contribution to the campaign.

5. When a man is drunk his speech is slurred.

6. Her speech was slurred and barely comprehensible.

7. Alcohol affects the brain, making speech slurred and imprecise.

8. Synonyms for Adenoidal include indistinct, muffled, nasal, slurred and thick

9. The general slurred over his Contribution to the campaign

10. Now, during the interview, he slurred his words, he sounded disoriented...

11. Chinky, The Chinaman Slurs have no power, when the slurred are empowered

12. Her speech was slurred but she still denied she was drunk.

13. 3 The complications included 4 transient paresis and 2 transient slurred speech.

14. Confusingly debar - elocutions hallos disconsolate insidiously one-to-one appall Jerzy, Circumvolves onerously slurred transporter

15. Antonyms for Belabored include disregarded, forgot, forgotten, ignored, overlooked, overpassed, passed over, slighted and slurred over

16. This last phrase was routinely slurred to "ampersand" and the term had entered common English usage by 1837.

17. * The ill person has any nervous system symptoms such as slurred speech , muscle weakness , double vision , or difficulty swallowing .

18. When he spoke to give his name, address and date of birth his speech was slurred and indistinct.

19. 15 That ensures that an experimenter eager for Alex to succeed won't mishear a slurred random utterance as a correct answer.

20. Her speech was ever so slightly slurred and her eyes seemed to swim in and out of focus.

21. What with his blued skin and distended veins, his puffed lips and slurred speech, he seemed on the brink of an Apoplecticseizure

22. Bromism is characterized by mental dullness, memory loss, slurred speech, tremors, ataxia and muscular weakness, a transitory state resembling paranoid schizophrenia, and a skin eruption (bromoderma).Once a common problem, Bromism was generally due to chronic ingestion of …

23. ‘A grass-chomping, Bleating, Lakeland sheep is set to become the star of a series of books written and illustrated by a local author.’ ‘He slurred words, intentionally sang out of tune, bleated like a sheep, laughed at himself and made up nonsensical lines.’

24. Treatment with Centruroides scorpion Antivenom should be started as soon as possible after the first appearance of symptoms of a scorpion sting (such as slurred speech, increased salivation, vomiting, feeling short of breath, abnormal eye movements, or loss of muscle control)

25. In some of the more shocking moments of the trial , the jury heard a recording of Jackson , sounding incoherent and slurred , speaking about his upcoming concert series , as well as viewing a photo of a lifeless Jackson on a gurney .

26. ‘A grass-chomping, Bleating, Lakeland sheep is set to become the star of a series of books written and illustrated by a local author.’ ‘He slurred words, intentionally sang out of tune, bleated like a sheep, laughed at himself and made up nonsensical lines.’

27. The last place in such a poetic list is emphatic 22 like the first; the middle two are slurred over and are mentioned as less important “then second are Hoplêtes and Argades.” He also connects them with the four sons of Ion implying a popular and accepted tradition which could not be seriously violated in a drama acted before the people.