sinuate in Czech

sinuate zvlněný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "sinuate"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "sinuate" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "sinuate", or refer to the context using the word "sinuate" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Bisinuate definition is - having two sinuate edges

2. Asculae arthropomatous adenoliomyofibroma eclipsed thee sinuate-leaved waffs quasi-frankly

3. The sinuate gills are pale and often yellowish, becoming pink as the spores develop.

4. Long (100–250 μm), sinuate, alate trapezoid phytoliths were unique to lamina tissue.

5. THE ELEMENTS OF BACTERIOLOGICAL TECHNIQUE JOHN WILLIAM HENRY EYRE Plants large, subglobose, with Alveolate, sinuate carbonous exterior

6. Stem leaves present; base sessile but not auriculate or Amplexicaul, or auriculate, Amplexicaul, or sagittate; divisions and margins entire or repand, or dentate, serrate, incised, crenate, sinuate, or pinnately lobed (lyrate, runcinate, pinnatifid)

7. Pronotum: longer than wide, widest posteriorly, often narrowed anteriorly, narrower than elytra at humeri; convex; anterior margin straight, lateral margin straight, arcuate, sinuate or Bisinuate, posterior margin Bisinuate; punctation usually dense; a slender, usually slightly elevated strip lacking coarse punctures present in front of scutellum.

8. [From Hatch 1938] "Length 2 mm.; piceous, the antennae, elytra, tibiae and tarsi paler; pronotum quadrate, about five-sixths as broad as long, sides Bisinuate, anterior angles prominent and acute, posterior angles slightly acute; disc of pronotum uniformly alutaceous, set with fine hairs, with an elevated, slightly sinuate carina extending from base to apex on either side at a distance from