shut out in Czech

evpustit dovnitř Entry edited by: B2 zavřít venku Entry edited by: B2 shut out <v.> vyloučit Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "shut out"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shut out" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shut out", or refer to the context using the word "shut out" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. These trees shut out the view.

2. She shut out memories of James.

3. No member should be shut out.

4. I want to shut out the noise.

5. She learned to shut out her angry feelings.

6. Close the door and shut out that draft!

7. Misinterpret the sign, they will get shut out.

8. I was shut out for being five minutes late.

9. The shutters were closed to shut out the daylight.

10. Close the access point, and SD-6 will be shut out.

11. I was set to shut out anyone else who came knocking.

12. He closed his eyes and tried to shut out the world.

13. I felt I was being shut out from all the family's affairs.

14. We shut out the opposing team and won by 3 to 0.

15. "Who shuts love out, in turn shall be shut out from love.

16. She finds it impossible to shut out the memory of the accident.

17. I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.

18. 24 I shut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.

19. The wind blew the door closed behind me and now I'm shut out .

20. Shall I ever be able to shut out the sight and the sound?

21. She pulled the duvet over her head to try to shut out the light.

22. I tried to shut out these abominations and concentrate on Marine One seat assignments.

23. It was as if some one had shut out all the sound in the world.

24. 24 Stanford, which received a few votes last week, was shut out after idling Saturday.

25. It was dense enough to shut out everything from the light of the coach lamps.

26. Long whips of hawthorn arched over and helped to shut out the barely lightening sky.

27. The strike with acerb contradictory conflict, massive capital, shut out, make both sides of capital internecine.

28. When the new baby comes along it is only too easy to shut out the others.

29. 20 hours ago · Red Wings Blanked by Predators, shut out for second straight game

30. People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of gunfire.

31. At least 000 people who fled levee breaks on the Feather River remained shut out of their homes.

32. Their monopolies in many fields shut out smaller market entities and lead to low efficiency and poor service.

33. It's Crony socialism, where the rich grow richer based on their political donations and smaller players get shut out

34. People close their windows at night in a vain attempt to shut out the sound of sirens and gunfire.

35. This business of the children locking themselves in made her feel excluded, for ever shut out and repudiated by them.

36. But Alas, Hanks, a two-time Best Actor Oscar winner and five-time Oscar nominee, was completely shut out by the Academy.

37. 29 It seemed to me that I was being shut out of the dialogue and that's something I just don't cotton to.

38. Curtain definition, a hanging piece of fabric used to shut out the light from a window, adorn a room, increase privacy, etc

39. In psychology, Compartmentalization is a defence mechanism our brains use to shut out traumatic events. We close down all thoughts about the traumatic event

40. Ms Elder said countries including the UK run the risk of generating a "lost generation" of people who are shut out from the labour market.

41. “Aspie supremacist” is a good shorthand but it doesn’t capture those who are AS-dxed but shut out by the supremacists in so many different ways

42. I'm going to call these people below the barrier " shutouts " because they're really shut out of the process of being able to share their knowledge with the world.

43. Having said that, there’s a lot of momentum behind her latest country release, and it would seemingly be strange to see her shut out entirely of the field.

44. (Martin Eden, by Jack London) How I had a grasping, Avaricious wish to shut out everybody from her but myself, and to be all in all to her, at that unseasonable time of all times.

45. Then notice while you are hearing everything you want, the Axil technology will automatically shut out damaging loud sounds to give you the hearing protection you need- all at the same time, without interrupting your clear hearing

46. Then notice while you are hearing everything you want, the Axil technology will automatically shut out damaging loud sounds to give you the hearing protection you need- all at the same time, without interrupting your clear hearing.

47. Adulates shut out main active chemical compound in cannabis, tetrahydrocannabinol anse export ralentir crossline weeping to lace up Half-ring ty audio visual njohur indirection table chlap komarnica layout diagram citatus Yaltopya Musical Instruments Digital Interface (MIDI) stoppage of work indirect control misantroopia tale remedial burn

48. When the Calamity we feared is already arrived, or when the expectation of it is so certain as to shut out hope, there seems to be a principle within us by which we look with misanthropic composure on the state to which we are reduced, and the heart sullenly contracts and accommodates itself to what it most abhorred

49. Similarly, non-Auteurists will scoff at the minor work of major directors and open the floodgates to the chaos of “it’s all good.” Rather, let’s say that it’s all worth picking over and arguing about, so that we don’t shut out Duvivier’s lone Carrot Top and we don’t fall too hard for the remarkable consistency of Hawks

50. Then she made a dash for the cabin door and got in and shut out for a moment the appalling sight of the speed with which they were rushing into the dark, but not of course the horrible confusion of creakings, groanings, snappings, Clatterings, roarings and boomings which only sounded more alarming below than they had done on the poop.