shake hands in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "shake hands"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "shake hands" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "shake hands", or refer to the context using the word "shake hands" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He taught his dos to shake hands.

2. He watched them shake hands and embrace.

3. Paulie Gatto stood up to shake hands.

4. McCready did not embrace or even shake hands.

5. The father first tried to shake hands with her.

6. Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet?

7. Eventually she literally dragged him up to shake hands.

8. But I mentally shake hands with you for your answer.

9. It's natural to shake hands with sb. you've just met.

10. During the week before the fight he would not shake hands.

11. Cruelty and fear shake hands together. Honore de Balzac 

12. Don't forget to shake hands - it's the done thing, you know.

13. Well-ossified Becrinolined deep-breathing shake-hands nondebater Hance E-boat

14. He broke off in mid-sentence to shake hands with the new arrivals.

15. To be a global mover and shaker, learn how to shake hands effectively.

16. Monseigneur received him in a courtly manner, but they did not shake hands.

17. They escorted her to the door, where she turned, smiling, to shake hands.

18. The coaches directed the players to shake hands with the opposing team members.

19. Anna and William stand and shake hands formally Well, it was nice to meet you.

20. Would they shake hands and agree to forget the whole thing were he to do so?

21. The tennis etiquette is, both the players have to come to the net and shake hands.

22. It was not until she stood up to shake hands that Julia saw that she was pregnant.

23. When he saw me, he leaned on his shovel until I was near enough to shake hands.

24. Ma and Father shake hands with everyone and look as if they are having a wonderful time.

25. On the court we are mortal enemies, but the second we shake hands, we are best friends again.

26. Her palms were sweating, and she hoped they would stop when she had to shake hands with him.

27. Auster reached out to shake hands with him, and Quinn realized that he was still holding the yoyo.

28. When Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency, Adams left town before the inauguration rather than shake hands with him.

29. Reagan had already scored points by crossing the stage before the debate to shake hands with the startled Carter.

30. 28 When Jefferson defeated Adams for the presidency, Adams left town before the inauguration rather than shake hands with him.

31. Carla had been carrying groceries to the car; she'd put the bags down on the sea wall to shake hands.

32. One time after a close loss, I told him I felt lousy and I didn't want to go shake hands.

33. Belizean men shake hands until they know someone well, at which time they progress to the more traditional hug and back slapping

34. You just gonna stay in here all day and shake hands, make small talk or are you gonna make us a drink?

35. He spat a bit as he spoke and Carrie dreaded the moment when she would have to shake hands and be spat at.

36. I'd never seen men hold each other. I thought the only things they were allowed to do was shake hands or fight. Rita Mae Brown 

37. 7 Ask him to shake hands with you, but he will not move, because it is contrary to the aorder of heaven for a just man to bdeceive; but he will still deliver his message.

38. On the day of her husband’s second departure to England, Vilate Kimball was so weak, trembling so severely with ague, that she could do nothing more than weakly shake hands with her husband when he came in tears to say good-bye.

39. (The Day the Town was Taken) Clodhopper was also a witness when Dingo Dan went on a one-man rampage through town in his Dune Buggy (Shake Hands with Long Arm John) Clodhopper was voiced by Lou Scheimer (credited as Erik Gunden)

40. Definition of Congratulatory : expressing or conveying congratulations a Congratulatory message As the magnitude of our discovery began to sink in, I thought to myself, "I think I know how we're going to be spending the next 20 years." I turned to shake hands and receive Congratulatory …