serfs in Czech

serfs <n.,pl..> nevolníci Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "serfs"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "serfs" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "serfs", or refer to the context using the word "serfs" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. All serfs owed allegiance to a lord.

2. The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom.

3. They did not allow the serfs any freedom.

4. The most fundamental limitation concerned jurisdiction over private serfs.

5. Serf owners regarded their serfs as animals that could talk.

6. Commoners include peasants, serfs, slaves, servants, pilgrims, merchants, artisans, and hermits.

7. Liberated serfs would then redeem their debts over a period of years.

8. Commoner Commoners include peasants, serfs, Slaves, servants, pilgrims, merchants, artisans, and hermits.

9. The Custumal (1) All serfs must do their labour service as instructed

10. 19 Liberated serfs would then redeem their debts over a period of years.

11. The 8 million serfs privately owned by members of the nobility were emancipated.

12. In 1859, there were more than 23 million serfs in usually poor living conditions.

13. Serf - owners had a firm grip on the birth, death and marriage of serfs.

14. The serf - owners had the right to beat , abuse or even kill the serfs at will.

15. THRALL, a slave, a captive or Bondman, a term especially applied to the serfs (Lat

16. Synonyms for Bondmen include slaves, thralls, chattels, bondsmen, serfs, varlets, vassals, bondservants, helots and retainers

17. The stained-glass knights and their ladies looked down their noses at us rollicking serfs.

18. The workpeople were their serfs, and the foremen, managers and engineers were the modern samurai.

19. The former serfs became peasants, joining the millions of farmers who were already in the peasant status.

20. Under the centuries - long feudal serfdom, the Tibetan serfs were politically oppressed, economically exploited and frequently persecuted.

21. It had no fiefs to be the subject of investiture, no peasant tenure, no peasant serfs.

22. The nobility and the serfs emerged, then, as two of the distinct strata in feudal society.

23. 15 The stained-glass knights and their ladies looked down their noses at us rollicking serfs.

24. 22 The serf - owners had the right to beat , abuse or even kill the serfs at will.

25. In the Middle Ages the serfs humbly doffed their bonnets, whilst the noblemen gave the German salute.

26. The proportion of highly placed advisers who had nothing to lose if serfs were emancipated would accordingly diminish.

27. By the Statute of 1861 the 22 million serfs owned by private landlords were set free from personal bondage.

28. Plans for the reform of local government were now in step with those for the emancipation of the serfs.

29. Bahutu serfs, representing 53 per cent of Rwanda's population, overthrew the traditional monarchy of the Watusi minority, numbering a bout 400,000

30. Dressed in rags and barefoot, a Muslim peasant presents the appearance of a starving beggar...Most are landless laborers, working as serfs for absentee landlords...

31. What does Bordar mean? (history) A person ranking below villeins and above serfs in the social hierarchy of a manor, holding just enough land t

32. Buddhist monasteries were also engaged in the economy, since their land property and serfs gave them enough revenues to set up mills, oil presses, and other enterprises.

33. Banality in feudal Western Europe, the monopolistic right of a feudal lord to demand that his serfs mill grain, bake bread, press grapes, and perform other duties exclusively in the mill, oven, and winepress belonging to the lord

34. An Artel (Russian: арте́ль) was any of various cooperative associations that existed in the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union.They began centuries ago but were especially prevalent from the time of the emancipation of the Russian serfs (1861) through the 1950s

35. Bordar ( plural Bordars ) ( historical) A person ranking below villeins and above serfs in the social hierarchy of a manor, holding just enough land to feed a family (about five acres) and required to provide labour on the demesne on specified days of the week