secretaries in Czech

secretaries <n.,pl..> sekretářky Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "secretaries"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "secretaries" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "secretaries", or refer to the context using the word "secretaries" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Good secretaries are always in demand.

2. Home / Case Pieces / Breakfronts, Bookcases & Secretaries

3. Her secretaries work tirelessly for a pittance.

4. He's always taking liberties with the secretaries.

5. Park's secretaries have been ordered to resign following the scandal.

6. Recently, the journal Mademoiselle stated that ‘secretaries who’d do anything rather than admit they’re secretaries, along with “Women’s Libbers,” are, according to a survey by the National Secretaries Association, giving the job a bad name.’

7. We lost three secretaries in quick succession.

8. The agency placed about 200 secretaries per annum.

9. There were no secretaries available to take dictation .

10. The Secretaries were to be insulated from knowing.

11. Distinguished Secretaries of the US Administration, and,

12. Yes, we're secretaries for a health club.

13. He staffed my office with two secretaries.

14. Private secretaries (often slaves) were retained by the wealthy.

15. New secretaries came and went with monotonous regularity.

16. Download: 2019: 19/12/2019 : PS/CSA/Circulars/07/2019: Granting relief to the Secretaries to Non-Cabinet Ministries and the Secretaries to state Ministries whose posts were abolished

17. The team consisted of six investigators and two secretaries.

18. The agency places about 2000 secretaries per annum.

19. LBJ used Autopens and secretaries thoughout his political career

20. The secretaries wept crocodile tears over the manager's dilemma.

21. Ensuring that Arbitral secretaries are used properly is an important step in encouraging the effective use of Arbitral secretaries and protecting the integrity of the Arbitral process.

22. Many bosses view secretaries as no more than glorified typists.

23. You heard from the Secretary of Treasury and Secretaries* of Commerce.

24. Appointment of the secretaries of provincial committees is now the rule.

25. Let us build mechanisms to meet global expectations, he asked the Secretaries.

26. The Arbitral tribunal), the use of Arbitral secretaries can undermine the legitimacy of the Arbitral process

27. - Supportive posts in administration and in operational units e.g. secretaries and assistants

28. The Secretaries agreed to hold discussions inc1uding at technical-level on mutually acceptable dates.

29. We are also working on discussions on Tulbul between the two Water Secretaries.

30. In my grandma's time , secretaries of work units would be able to cut mimeograph stencils.

31. Many of Donald Trump’s most notorious Appointees, including his cabinet secretaries, resigned shortly before Joe Biden took office

32. The four dialogues are led by cabinet-level secretaries on our side and equivalents on the Chinese side.

33. Question (Mr Dean Nelson, The Daily Telegraph): I would like to address this question to both Foreign Secretaries.

34. Synonyms for Amanuenses include scriveners, copyists, penmen, scribes, calligraphers, writers, secretaries, transcribers, recorders and copiers

35. He surrounded himself with an impermeable wall of secretaries, personal assistants and yes - men.

36. We've had an endless procession of new secretaries through the office since Amy left.

37. In June the Foreign Secretaries had essentially worked out a very good sort of way forward.

38. Letters and telegrams of condolence streamed in from heads of state, housewives, politicians, millionaires, secretaries.

39. Included in this training are specific modules for administrative assistants, secretaries and spouses/partners of officials.

40. And there were no assistants or secretaries to take dictation or run off copies for me.

41. Educational requirements play a lesser role for interviewers placing secretaries, word processing operators, and other clerical personnel.

42. Median salaries ranged from $22,770 for general office clerks to $34,970 for secretaries and $41,030 for administrative supervisors.

43. They will be underpinned by Permanent Secretaries and a professional, meritocratic and politically neutral civil service.

44. PS/CSA/Circulars/08/2019: Granting relief to the Secretaries to Cabinet Ministries whose posts were abolished

45. So you can see that the level of Counter Terrorism in Composite Dialogue was with Home Secretaries.

46. He urged all Chief Secretaries to explore its use to the extent possible, to minimize leakages and delays.

47. When computers first appeared in offices in the late 1970s, they were used as glorified typewriters by secretaries.

48. The Armourers' Association Association Secretaries 1976-2009 L to R: Dick Manning (Arb 45B), Ian Knight (Car

49. Pathology Accessioning works closely with pathologists, secretaries and several laboratories including Cytology, Histology, Immunostains, Renal and Hematology.

50. The Chief Secretaries concerned have taken required action and this has also helped reduction of pendency figures.