seasonally in Czech

seasonally sezonně Entry edited by: B2 seasonally sezónně Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "seasonally"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seasonally" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seasonally", or refer to the context using the word "seasonally" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Backstretch Pool Bar - Temporarily Unavailable Operates Seasonally

2. Profligate Oakes tachygenesis Zeus seasonally Athetized goalmouth

3. Labour Force Survey; System of National Accounts, seasonally adjusted

4. Coquina is open seasonally for lunch, dinner and cocktails

5. Barrelhouse Menus are seasonally inspired, and change accordingly

6. Labour Force Survey and System of National Accounts, seasonally adjusted

7. Artisanal Restaurant is closed seasonally from November - April

8. Many Arctic animals even change their coloration seasonally

9. Prized by home gardeners, Beefsteaks are only seasonally available

10. Seasonally adjusted quarterly figures are used throughout this section.

11. Seasonally Adjusted {adj} saisonbereinigt split-Adjusted {adj} splitbereinigtstocks value

12. Table: 34 Gross Domestic Product, Income-based Not seasonally adjusted data

13. The seasonally-adjusted unemployment rate in December stood at 5%.

14. seasonally adjusted data) # urrent account Goods Services Income Current transfers

15. The working day and seasonally adjusted index series are not available.

16. seasonally adjusted data) # urrent account Source: ECB. Goods Services Income Current transfers

17. International Travel Account Balance of Payments (Not seasonally adjusted, Preliminary Figures, $ millions)

18. But in the Indian Ocean, he met the monsoons —winds that reverse direction seasonally.

19. The other deficiencies one can point to are the limited use of seasonally adjusted data

20. As well as raw value data, the database will hold seasonally adjusted and index data

21. However, this habitat is also seasonally important to rockfishes and Codfishes (both adult and juvenile)

22. Breakdown by durability, current and previous year's prices and chain linked volumes, seasonally adjusted data

23. Culling is the process of seasonally removing friends from a group based on specific criteria

24. Current prices and previous years' prices and chain-linked volumes, non-adjusted and seasonally adjusted data

25. River incision into the confined alluvial aquifer and seasonally varying river stages result in truncated flow paths.

26. All sectors, except S.13 general government, uses and resources, current prices, non-seasonally adjusted

27. Cobana Negra is found on the edge of salt flats in brackish, seasonally flooded wetlands

28. Bottomland Forests True Bottomland forests occur on rich, deep soils in low places that are seasonally wet

29. Unless otherwise noted, monthly data have been seasonally adjusted to provide a better picture of underlying trends.

30. Russia remained isolated from the sea trade and its internal trade, communication and manufacturing were seasonally dependent.

31. We conducted an experiment to determine if the digestive ability of black bears (U. americanus) changes seasonally.

32. The Lenape did not live in fixed encampments but moved seasonally, using slash and burn agriculture.

33. Eurostat will publish seasonally adjusted data for the European aggregates in the second half of 2016.

34. Eurostat intends to publish seasonally adjusted data for European aggregates in the second half of 2016.

35. Living Cycads exist in several different habitats, such as rainforests and seasonally dry forests, in grasslands and savannas

36. Even this level of aggregation is too detailed to provide sufficiently reliable seasonally adjusted estimates for all provinces.

37. Seasonally adjusted basic prices are also fixed to take account of the normal seasonal variations on the market.

38. Its warm and seasonally wet climate permits the cultivation of cotton, Chad’s major export, in the locality

39. Total economy and A*10 breakdown (where mandatory), thousands of hours worked, non-adjusted and seasonally adjusted data

40. The index series are not delivered in working-day adjusted or in seasonally and working-day adjusted form.

41. As the watershed of the river is rather narrow, the amount of water in the river varies seasonally.

42. Breakdown by durability, current and previous year's prices and chain linked volumes, non-adjusted and seasonally adjusted data

43. The data series disseminated includes both seasonally adjusted data (i.e., excludes predictable annual influences) and the unadjusted data.

44. In Washington, side-Blotched lizards are at the northern end of their geographic range, where they emerge later seasonally, have a

45. About Av Our dinner menu offers seasonally driven, Italian influenced dishes featuring handmade pastas, fresh seafood and locally sourced produce

46. The Abenaki lived in wigwams⁠—temporary homes⁠—while they relocated seasonally, but also built permanent longhouses in centralized villages.

47. The Saharan halophytics is an area of seasonally flooded saline depressions which is home to halophytic (salt-adapted) plant communities.

48. Anadramous fish species such as salmon, sturgeon, gaspereau or alewife, striped bass, and eel, seasonally move up the estuaries in large numbers.

49. Large fluctuations in demand/supply and prices for electricity and natural gas culminated in large revisions in seasonally adjusted export values.

50. And she seasonally disemboweled.Elyria, OH elyria chronicle telegram newspaper took docile Brucines Camden Township.Yaws a elyria chronicle telegram scotchy for that.