seafaring in Czech

seafaring <n.> mořeplavectví Entry edited by: PetrV seafaring <n.> námořnictví Entry edited by: PetrV

Sentence patterns related to "seafaring"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "seafaring" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "seafaring", or refer to the context using the word "seafaring" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Maritime historians rate his revelations of seafaring conditions highly.

2. Britain has always been a seafaring nation.

3. Seafaring has also promoted political liberalism in Britain.

4. After months of seafaring, Bougainville came upon Tahiti.

5. Many words related to seafaring were borrowed from Dutch.

6. He had sole jurisdiction in maritime and seafaring causes.

7. Her former consort, I understand, was a seafaring man.

8. A private yacht is a must for seafaring billionaires.

9. The Maritime History of Maine: Three Centuries of Shipbuilding and SeAfaring

10. My dog, Sandy, and I are just agog about seafaring men.

11. Tynesiders see themselves as a seafaring people with all that implies.

12. It's the jolly times on shore that appeal to me, as much as any seafaring.

13. It was business as usual in the ancient seafaring town of Sinkport.

14. 'Jim,'he said, at length,'you saw that seafaring man to - day?'

15. Before he sets off for the next stage, he's sharing his seafaring experiences.

16. Fishing is known to be much more accident-prone than other seafaring activities.

17. Likely, Phoenician colonizers with seafaring experience contributed greatly to the Cypriots’ naval technology.

18. Thus it was a great port with a very long-established seafaring tradition.

19. Seafarers on such a register or list should have priority of engagement for seafaring.

20. You reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.

21. The world market so that business, seafaring and land transport has been a big development.

22. The brand now uses this element of the seafaring wardrobe in each of its collections.

23. He waited for these strong words to sink into the hearts of his seafaring companions.

24. That form of male vanity is by no means absent from the seafaring tribe today.

25. Your reason and your passion are the rudder and the sails of your seafaring soul.

26. Accordingly, she disguised herself to look like a seafaring man and went to the house.

27. Today, people always obedient historian's argument that it was seen as a great seafaring explorers period.

28. The product was always the same, one hundred dollars, and he decided was better than seafaring.

29. Much of the region's music focuses on the strong seafaring tradition in the area, and includes sea shanties and other sailing songs.

30. It is a fat that all major powers in the world derived their development from strong seafaring skills.

31. Make sure you visit the maritime museum if you're interested in anything to do with ships or seafaring.

32. Campeche was the Caribbean town most affected by seafaring robbers, and it was attacked by pirates 15 times

33. His great enthusiasm was for sailing and in the vacations he would take parties of students on seafaring expeditions.

34. Argillite played an important role in seafaring commerce, especially during the boom in maritime fur trading in the early 19th century

35. Abaft means “in the back.” Though rarely heard on dry land, this old seafaring word refers to the rear end of a ship

36. As these inherent traditions of seafaring diminished due to the pressures of European presence, we were left with a less active visualization of this vast global commons.

37. Moreover, according to The Zondervan Pictorial Encyclopedia of the Bible, the name Kittim “is extended to include the W[est] in general, but esp[ecially] the seafaring W[est].”

38. Aweigh-Fitness November 17, 2017 · By its very nature, shipping and the environments in which it operates, makes seafaring one of the most dangerous professions in the world.

39. Born in 1872 into a well-to-do ship-owning, seafaring family, he sailed at the age of 25 as second officer on the Belgica, as part of a scientific expedition to the Antarctic.

40. One of these seafaring men- the shipmaster, indeed, who had spoken to Hester Prynne- was so smitten with Pearl's aspect, that he attempted to lay hands upon her, with purpose to snatch a kiss.

41. Aeronaut ic "of or relating to the art or science of flight" (borrowed from New Latin aëronauticus, from Greek aero- aero- + nautikós "of ships, of seafaring") + -ics — more at nautical Learn More about Aeronautics Time Traveler for Aeronautics The first known use of Aeronautics …

42. Avast ye scurvy dogs! Ever wondered what all that pirate slang means? Learn to speak like the saltiest rogue that ever sailed the seven seas using this handy dictionary: Find the perfect pirate name Learn the intricacies of seAfaring grammar Try out dating tips for the buccaneering set Learn to curse like a sailor a 17th century one!

43. The Barbary pirates (or, more accurately, Barbary privateers) operated out of four North African bases—Algiers, Tunis, Tripoli, and various ports in Morocco—between the 16th and 19th centuries.They terrorized seafaring traders in the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean, "sometimes," in the words of John Biddulph's 1907 history of piracy, "venturing into the mouth of the …

44. By this it was provided that thereafter the captain of a cruiser who should impress an American citizen should be liable to heavy penalties, to be enacted by law; but as the preamble to this proposition read, "Whereas it is not lawful for a Belligerent to impress or carry off, from on board a neutral, seafaring persons _who are