scandalous in Czech

scandalous skandální Entry edited by: B2 scandalous ostudný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "scandalous"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "scandalous" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "scandalous", or refer to the context using the word "scandalous" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Scandalous.

2. such a scandalous allegation.

3. She deplored his scandalous actions.

4. After his scandalous behaviour in the kitchen?

5. The decision is nothing short of scandalous.

6. Newspaper columns were full of scandalous tales.

7. It is absolutely scandalous that this continues

8. It's scandalous that you still haven't been paid.

9. There shouldn't be any kind of scandalous rumors.

10. It is absolutely scandalous that this would continue

11. It is scandalous that he has not been punished.

12. The revelation of his scandalous past led to his resignation.

13. But this is totally scandalous, Stella, and you know it.

14. Courtesans occupy a scandalous yet challenging space in world history

15. The project was denounced as a scandalous waste of public money.

16. But what constituted "blasphemous, immoral, treasonable, schismatic, seditious or scandalous libels"?

17. For both sides to this scandalous transaction there is a bottom line.

18. LINKS: Pissed-Off Reporter, 50 Most Scandalous Cheerleaders, NFL Pro Bowl

19. Conversation with a woman in a public place was particularly scandalous.”

20. A hasty note from Mary asks her to disregard a scandalous rumor.

21. It is scandalous that elderly patients should be treated in that way.

22. She insisted that every scandalous detail of the story had been manufactured.

23. The scandalous remarks in the newspaper besmirch the reputations of every member of the society.

24. Synonyms for Calumnious include defamatory, libellous, slanderous, abusive, derogatory, insulting, libelous, lying, scandalous and aspersive

25. But by Washington standards, even by post-Water-gate standards, what Kleindienst did was not scandalous.

26. They may find contentions such as those we have made questionable, but not surprising or scandalous.

27. There should be scandalous talk, in character, about the crimes, lust, and Briberies of your competitors.

28. So swept away by passion is Marianne that her behavior begins to border on the scandalous.

29. Synonyms for Catchpenny include sensationalistic, lurid, screaming, sensational, sensationalist, gee-whiz, shocking, startling, scandalous and melodramatic

30. It leads to death and a scandalous murder inquiry which threatens to expose some dark secrets.

31. It is absolutely scandalous that a fantastic building like this is just left to rot away.

32. Twenty years ago, it was scandalous when a baseball pitcher named Wayne Garland signed for $ 000 a year.

33. I hoped she would respect our standards, but instead she ordered liquor, a male dancer, and a scandalous video.

34. There was a dramatic sequel to last Thursday's scandalous revelations when the minister for trade suddenly announced his resignation.

35. But Charlie also sets out on a series of scandalous liaisons and unfortunate marriages with very young girls.

36. In the true spirit of a scandalous soccer star, Gallacher was flamboyant and temperamental on and off the park.

37. " rder avails nothing to the suppressing of scandalous, seditious, and libellous books, which were mainly intended to be suppressed. "

38. But can Christ dwell in a church where so much is admittedly “false, contrary to the Gospel and scandalous”?

39. Of the scandalous way in which the railway hotels were sold off and nine-tenths have deteriorated rapidly since.

40. Misfortune was surmounted, and misfortune became too great a burden; virtuous reputations were earned, and scandalous stories were recounted.

41. Belgravia is a pitch perfect period drama about two families trying to bury a scandalous secret from their shared past

42. According to The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, for Jews “conversation with a woman in a public place was particularly scandalous.”

43. After all, the temple authorities —the priests, the scribes, and others— were behind the scandalous profit-making business taking place there.

44. It is because I share it that I must draw attention to the scandalous mismanagement of the housing stock in Liverpool.

45. Regional officers had lived for many years with successive waves of moral outrage about the scandalous conditions within the asylums.

46. Friends of the Earth has described the situation as scandalous, and called on the National Rivers Authority to prevent further seepage.

47. The clergy and the publicans, and the Parnellites were found "Arrayed" in "scandalous alliance" against the Liberal cause.

48. The Benghazi Attack Is a Scandal, but Not in the Way That You Think Perversely, this isn't exactly what Americans find scandalous

49. Time and again, they have appeared on television denying any connection with the scandalous schemes in which they actually were deeply involved.

50. Is there not one prominent rugby union footballer or journalist who is compelled to criticize this scandalous and absurd state of affairs?