save face in Czech

zachovat reputaci Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "save face"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "save face" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "save face", or refer to the context using the word "save face" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. That way you'll save face, right?

2. You gotta help me save face!

3. He simply needed to save face.

4. The War Chief. He's got to, to save face.

5. There still might be a way to save face.

6. When people try to save face with men, they can unwittingly lose face with God.

7. Backpeddling Trying to take back something said or done, usally done by altering it or changing it, in an attempt to change a viewpoint or to save face

8. Though this leak isn't any more or less damaging to the Kremlin's reputation, it presents a convenient opportunity to save face and demonstrate that Russia is actually taking information security seriously.

9. Also on this point, I believe it would be useful to ask the Algerian authorities to pay the utmost attention to finding a solution that allows all the parties concerned to save face, by means, naturally, of the necessary compromises.

10. ‘No more Circumlocution - just tell us, straight out: what are we supposed to do?’ ‘Pidgins may compensate for lack of vocabulary through Circumlocution.’ ‘Other common strategies used to save face for others include the use of Circumlocution and equivocation when criticism of …

11. You have reframed the relationship as a growing momet.You have moved from anger to Acceptanceyour narratives save face for not only you, but your ex.Example She made me realize that I can be happy“I am leaving the relationship a better person”“She was a great girl, I know she will make someone incredibly happy.”