saracens in Czech

Saracens Saracéni Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "saracens"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "saracens" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "saracens", or refer to the context using the word "saracens" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. His performances got the attention of the incoming Saracens head coach Brendan Venter and he was signed for Saracens in 2009.

2. The prince even allied himself with the Saracens.

3. The monastery was abandoned after its destruction by the Saracens.

4. Sicily was invaded by the Normans, and later by the Saracens.

5. 23 Ben Crawley got the only try as Saracens beat relegation favourites Rugby 14-

6. 30 In a straight fight the crusaders usually won; in skirmishes, the Saracens often overcame their more numerous opponents.

7. 6 But with an hour gone and Ulster 25-24 ahead, Saracens were gasping for air in this Heineken Cup match.

8. The story of the 15 Bezants occurs during the Crusades when the Duke of Cornwall was captured by the Saracens

9. The story of the 15 Bezants occurs during the Crusades when the Duke of Cornwall was captured by the Saracens

10. The Barbarians are said to be “heartbroken”, having successfully scrambled to replace the 12 players sent home – who included a number of Saracens players such as Richard Wigglesworth, Sean

11. Bernicles in Joinville c 1275, in sense of the instrument of torture (sense 2) as used by the Saracens, for which Marsh has suggested an oriental origin, comparing Pers

12. 14 John the Almsgiver (609 or 6 had taken this letter from Arsas with his own hand, and was only prevented by the irruption of the Saracens (6 from using it to obtain the deposition of Sergius.

13. Resiance raciness scanners caresses Aeriness reinsane acrasins niceness rennases anserine necessar nearness narceins arcsines insnares sarcinas arecaine sarcinae narceine nacarine saracens acarines rascasse arsenics canarine incenses incenser searness essancia ensnares encaenia easiness senarian casernes crannies saneness caseases cerasein:

14. In 1481, following the Saracens' conquest of Otranto the previous year, and the massacre by decapitation of 800 of the town's citizens who had refused to abjure the Catholic faith and to accept Islam, King Alfonso d'Aragona of Naples came with his men to liberate the town from the Turks.