saner in Czech

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Sentence patterns related to "saner"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "saner" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "saner", or refer to the context using the word "saner" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Basecamp solves the critical problems that every growing business deals with.It’s the saner, calmer

2. But, in war, even as the blood beats in your ears and you race after your enemy, there is the hope that saner minds than yours will stop you before you reach your target.

3. ‘There are business Bromides: ‘By definition, 50% of the people don't want a level playing field.’’ ‘It avoided all the usual Bromides about the inmates of such institutions being saner than their keepers, instead providing an unsentimental, steadfast look at these women's essential humanity.’

4. ‘There are business Bromides: ‘By definition, 50% of the people don't want a level playing field.’’ ‘It avoided all the usual Bromides about the inmates of such institutions being saner than their keepers, instead providing an unsentimental, steadfast look at these women's essential humanity.’

5. When the Crusading mania was at its height there were some Christian women who shared the fatigues and dangers of their husbands. A PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY, VOLUME 1 (OF 10) FRANOIS-MARIE AROUET (AKA VOLTAIRE) When the next synthetic—or creative or Crusading period, if you wish—comes, it will be saner than all which have gone before.