ruinously in Czech

uinously ničivě Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "ruinously"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "ruinously" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "ruinously", or refer to the context using the word "ruinously" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. However, “the people were yet acting ruinously.”

2. Having an accident without insurance can be ruinously expensive.

3. The cost of transporting him would make him ruinously expensive.

4. His problems were financial, and the debts he owed were ruinously large.

5. S. national interest requires, gasoline is ruinously cheap for Americans. The refusal of the U.

6. But by not obeying God’s laws, men have acted ruinously and become defective.

7. Compared with what the U.S. national interest requires, gasoline is ruinously cheap for Americans.

8. They have acted ruinously on their own part; they are not his children, the defect is their own.”

9. He was energetic, headstrong, and unorthodox-and he had compelling reasons for reducing the ruinously expensive Soviet nuclear arsenal.

10. And the farther away individuals and nations get from God’s laws, the more ruinously they act, feeding the inborn tendency to be selfish.

11. He can be the prime minister who rescued the banks; or he can be the man who saved the banks but ruinously misled a nation.

12. Alcohol drinking affects especially ruinously operation of the cardiovasculary system, it shows itself in paleness of skin- acrocyanosis, tachicardia and muffled sounds of the heart.

13. And they overlook the determination in Europe to make the euro stick—because to pull it apart would be ruinously costly and threaten the EU's very existence.

14. Farmers had two roles: first, to produce as much grain as possible for urban consumption, however ruinously low the prices; second, to provide cheap labour to the cities.

15. Too many brokers were far more interested in earning fat fees for steering their clients to ruinously priced loans that the borrowers could never hope to repay.