rotten in Czech

otten shnilý Entry edited by: B2 rotten mizerný Entry edited by: B2 rotten zkažený Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "rotten"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "rotten" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "rotten", or refer to the context using the word "rotten" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Rotten, sour.

2. Stop, Rotten brat.

3. Rotten smelly life!

4. What rotten luck.

5. It's all rotten anyhow.

6. Rotten treachery for money.

7. These slaves are rotten.

8. Your body is rotten.

9. Soon ripe, soon rotten.

10. That rotten fish stinks.

11. Rotten to the heart.

12. That meat smells rotten.

13. The weather is rotten.

14. Everything I touch turns rotten.

15. You're rotten to the core.

16. There's something rotten in Mayberry.

17. Their children were spoiled rotten .

18. You can keep your rotten money!

19. We were pelted with rotten tomatoes.

20. Rotten Tomatoes gave it a 16%.

21. Calling All Birdbrains (Rotten School, No

22. Ataraxy’s “Rotten Shit” demo was great

23. The apple's rotten on the inside.

24. The pear was rotten right through.

25. 1 The rotten fruit is not eatable.

26. The rotten apple injures its neighbours. 

27. 🔊 Acting like a rotten old Churl…

28. Some of the wood was completely rotten.

29. His feet stink like a rotten dog.

30. " All the rotten eggs in one basket. "

31. His mother and sisters spoil him rotten .

32. This town's way of thinking is rotten.

33. I personally think it's a rotten idea.

34. The oranges in this bag are rotten.

35. The rotten apple injuries its neighbours. 

36. A rotten apple spoils the (whole) Bushel 1

37. The smell of the rotten meat was enough!

38. Icky, Crappy, lousy, rotten, shitty, stinking, stinky (adj)

39. The rotten eggs began to pen-and-ink.

40. The floor's rotten and likely to give way.

41. I felt nauseous and rotten for a week.

42. 5 The rotten apple injuries its neighbours. 

43. 5 Rotten eggs give off a bad smell.

44. Scott blamed their failure on rotten dried fish.

45. There is small choice in rotten apples. 

46. 1 The rotten apple injures its neighbours. 

47. Those guys are rotten to the bone, right?

48. There is a nauseating smell of rotten food.

49. Don't trust him. He's rotten through and through.

50. On the other hand, the Pharisees’ rotten fruitage of absurd accusations and groundless opposition to Jesus is proof that they themselves are rotten.