roaring in Czech

oaring <n.> řvaní Entry edited by: B2 roaring <n.> hučení Entry edited by: B2 roaring <n.> povyk Entry edited by: B2 burácející Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "roaring"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "roaring" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "roaring", or refer to the context using the word "roaring" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. The crowd is roaring.

2. “Like a Roaring Lion”

3. The lion was roaring triumphantly.

4. An aeroplane is roaring overhead.

5. 1 An aeroplane is roaring overhead.

6. Satan truly is “a roaring lion.”

7. 17 The lion was roaring triumphantly.

8. 24 The party was a roaring success.

9. 10 The roaring sea gradually calmed down.

10. 23 The officer is roaring at the soldiers.

11. The cannon was roaring in the distance.

12. Devil is like a roaring lion (8)

13. The crowd is roaring on its feet.

14. Our train passed over a roaring waterfall.

15. A log fire was roaring in the hearth.

16. A roaring, dripping maw yawned with monstrous hunger.

17. 11 The new musical has been a roaring success.

18. 13 Mr Trotter sat by the roaring fire .

19. 3 The wind was roaring in my ears.

20. How Gay Culture Blossomed During the Roaring Twenties

21. 3 Her princes within her are roaring lions.

22. 21 The cannon was roaring in the distance.

23. She pressed on the accelerator,roaring the engine.

24. The latest Disneyland has been a roaring success.

25. 1 The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.

26. 18 They came home roaring drunk again last night.

27. 15 She pressed on the accelerator,roaring the engine.

28. 9 They came back from the pub roaring drunk.

29. He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.

30. 10 The roaring, boozing Saturday nights were always great.

31. ♪ The pines were roaring on the height ♪

32. 28 The latest Disneyland has been a roaring success.

33. The place was a blazing, raging , roaring, etc inferno.

34. Roaring fires, malt beer, ripe meat off the bone!

35. 22 A log fire was roaring in the hearth.

36. 14 We sat in front of a roaring fire.

37. Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.

38. 26 The wounded tigress was now roaring double tides.

39. 19 By this time, Michael was roaring with laughter .

40. 2 I heard the lions roaring in their cages.

41. Scientists who study lions suggest that roaring accomplishes several things.

42. 12 The Doberman let out a string of roaring barks.

43. The Bible likens Satan to a roaring lion on the prowl.

44. 4 The stallholders were doing a roaring trade in burgers.

45. The beasts snarled at this impostor, and backed away, roaring.

46. 16 He could hear a sudden roaring. His blood froze.

47. They were all roaring drunk and kept singing bawdy songs.

48. 27 The ice cream vendors were doing a roaring trade.

49. 25 Toy shops do a roaring trade just before Christmas.

50. 20 Our roaring guns left the enemy trembling with fear.