regarded in Czech

egarded pokládaný Entry edited by: B2 pohlížel na Entry edited by: B2 regarded považovaný Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "regarded"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "regarded" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "regarded", or refer to the context using the word "regarded" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. He regarded us suspiciously.

2. He is regarded with disfavour.

3. be regarded as amortizable assets

4. She regarded smoking with abomination.

5. Branchiopods are generally regarded as …

6. The enemy was regarded as subhuman.

7. She regarded dressmaking with great dislike.

8. These changes are mostly regarded Benignly.

9. Many historians regarded him as incompetent.

10. Outsiders are regarded with outright hostility.

11. Foxes were traditionally regarded as vermin.

12. Women are often regarded as inferior.

13. Branchiopods are generally regarded as primitive

14. Certain animals were regarded as sacred.

15. He regarded them as intellectual pygmies.

16. I have always regarded him highly.

17. Edith was widely regarded as eccentric.

18. We were definitely regarded as eccentric.

19. She's generally regarded as a nuisance.

20. She regarded the mess with distaste.

21. He regarded drug dealers with loathing.

22. they must be regarded as amortizable assets

23. Overdue payment will be regarded as abdication.

24. Auguste regarded them grimly and with foreboding.

25. He regarded poetry as sentimental self-expression.

26. She stood back and regarded him coldly.

27. Barracudas are often regarded as bold and inquisitive, and large ones are regarded as fearsome fishes, potentially dangerous to humans

28. Branchiopods are generally regarded as primitive crustaceans.

29. The clerk regarded him with benevolent amusement.

30. He regarded the move as politically naive.

31. She regarded the child with evident distaste.

32. 21 She regarded him as her saviour.

33. He regarded telephony as a natural monopoly.

34. 10 I regarded him as the Christ.

35. Alas, the turbot was less well regarded.

36. Noonlikes to be regarded as a poltroon.

37. they must be regarded as amortizable assets;

38. 24 Imitation jewellery is regarded with disdain.

39. Dauntless regarded this imposing edifice with dismay.

40. His behaviour was regarded as very strange.

41. Locals regarded it as a provocative incursion.

42. It's regarded as a highly desirable job.

43. She was highly regarded as a sculptor.

44. Contemporaries certainly regarded them in this light.

45. They regarded him as a broken reed.

46. they shall be regarded as amortizable assets;

47. Heating is regarded as a basic amenity.

48. The clerk regarded him with Benevolent amusement

49. they must be regarded as amortizable assets,

50. His colleagues regarded him with intense dislike.