refined sugar in Czech

afinovaný cukr Entry edited by: B2

Sentence patterns related to "refined sugar"

Below are sample sentences containing the word "refined sugar" from the English - Czech Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "refined sugar", or refer to the context using the word "refined sugar" in the English - Czech Dictionary.

1. Canadian access to U.S. refined sugar tariff-rate quota (TRQ) 2.

2. I actually cut out refined sugar from my diet to seal the deal.

3. Amazeballs are completely natural, dairy free, gluten free, raw and refined sugar free.

4. 20 A diet too high in refined sugar and fat will predispose to either obesity or shortage of nutrients, including minerals.

5. The composition is made by blending a composition deficient in fluoride ion with a composition superabundant in fluoride ion, preferably obtained by selection of a superabundant fluoride ion containing fraction of cane sugar containing molasses, such as raw cane sugar, molasses, affination syrup, dried solids of molasses or of affination syrup, or a blend thereof with refined sugar, or by evaporation of a mineral water to obtain a concentrate.

6. Common Name (Nonproprietary Name) Sucrose Proper Name ( See individual entries ) Source/Form (if applicable) Synthetic or Natural French Name (Nonproprietary Name) Sucrose Chemical Name and CAS Registry number Beta - D - fructofuranosyl - alpha - D - glucopyranoside [57 - 50 - 1] Synonyms/ Formula Beet sugar; cane sugar; alpha - D - glucopyranosyl - beta - D - fructofuranoside; refined sugar; saccharose; sugar Functional Categories (not all inclusive) Sweetening Agent, Tablet and/ or Capsule Diluent, Coating Agent; suspending agent, granulating agent; sugar coating adjunct; viscosity - increasing agent Limitations (for external or internal use, unless specified 2).